可以在selectinto,fetchinto,returning into语句使用bulk collect。 注意在使用bulk collect时,所有的into变量都必须是collections. 举几个简单的例子:--在select into语句中使用bulk collectDECLARETYPE SalListISTABLEOFemp.sal%TYPE; sals SalList;BEGIN--Limit the number of rows to 100.SELECTsalBULKCOLLECTINTOsa...
--创建测试表create tablebulk_objectstablespace usersasselect object_name, object_type from dba_objects;--定义模拟批量所需变量DECLARETYPE t_tab IS TABLE OF bulk_objects%ROWTYPE;objects_tab t_tab := t_tab();start_time number; end_time number;BEGINSELECT *BULK COLLECT INTO objects_...
通过bulk collect减少loop处理的开销 采用bulk collect可以将查询结果一次性地加载到collections中。 而不是通过cursor一条一条地处理。 可以在select into,fetch into,returning into语句使用bulk collect。 注意在使用bulk collect时,所有的into变量都必须是collections. 举几个简单的例子: --在select into语句中使用bul...
You can use the FORALL keyword with the BULK COLLECT INTO keywords to improve the performance of FOR loops that reference collections and return DML. The PL/SQL block inExample 6-11updates the EMPLOYEES table by computing bonuses for a collection of employees. Then it returns the bonuses in a...
insert/*+append*/intob_objectselectobject_name,object_type,created,rownum+1997760idfromb_object 1. 2. 3. 57.688秒最快 bulk collect insert into 1. declaretype t_object is table of b_object.object_name%type index by binary_integer;
an error. To help you avoid such errors, Oracle Database offers a LIMIT clause for BULK COLLECT. Suppose that, for example, there could be tens of thousands of employees in a single department and my session does not have enough memory available to store 20,000 employee IDs in a ...
1、sqlsugar版本: 2、数据库:Oracle 3、问题:批量更新处理数据时,提示"ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into (\"WHH\".\"TEMP1778264398599688192\".\"PROCESS_SN\")",Process表里面存在(PROCESS_SN)这个字段,且不能为空,但是Update时,并没有更新这个字段。
Entity Framework EF Core efcore Bulk Batch Extensions with BulkCopy in .Net for Insert Update Delete Read (CRUD), Truncate and SaveChanges operations on SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite mysql sql copy sqlite postgresql sqlbulkcopy batch efcore entityframework entity-framework-core bulk sqlserve...
needs to call SQL multiple times, Oracle has come up with the bulk collect processing method. For example, when a user submits an array, PL/SQL requires that all elements of the array be inserted into the table, the value in the table be updated, or the value in the table be deleted...
Oracle: Via some magic involving BULK COLLECT INTO (I'm really rusty on my Oracle here...) MySql: It looks like based on this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/53352324/2937845 we could use a simple calculation of lasttrowid alongside the number of records inserted to produce the IDs. SqLite...