Even in extended fights he does extremely well with his high mobility and damage while we protect him the best we can, be this by blinding the ADC as he goes in or negating a stun. He's a great and solid ADC to support due to his high trading play-style and mobility. Samira ...
2 D II ADC Darkness#VN2 90% 62 vn 3 GM Empanadïta#LAN 51% 76 lan 4 M jangwj#KR1 54% 416 kr 5 M GoldenGod#EUW 68% 57 euw 6 M FatherMentos#EUW 61% 59 euw 7 M rkswjfgkqslek#KR1 54% 136 kr 8 D II lm D King#NA1 68% 63 na 9 M ad tay to #VN2 57% 107 vn...
UNF0RGIVEN Adc 沙漠玫瑰 Build 不朽盾弓 征服者 - UNF0RGIVEN Samira Match Highlight - LOL EUW 58 -- 7:25 App Caps 中路 熔岩巨兽 Build 卢登的激荡 电刑 - Caps Malphite Match Highlight - LOL EUW 12.23 50 -- 10:12 App 永恩 蒙太奇 83 -- 9:14 App UNF0RGIVEN Adc 圣枪游侠 Build 狂...
Jinx bottom is a strong counter to Kalista, Samira & Smolder while Jinx is countered most by Ziggs, Twitch & Yasuo. The best Jinx players have a 57.61% win rate with an average rank of Grandmaster on the Jinx Leaderboard. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Jinx build, runes & ...