Samira E attack speed duration increased from three to five seconds. Skarner Armor per level decreased from 4.8 to 4.5. E stun duration decreased from 1.5 to one second. Swain Passive maximum health per stack increased from 12 to 15. E ability power ratio increased from 60 to 70 percent....
Breaking into a game as well-defined as League of Legends can be a daunting experience, but it doesn’t have to be impossible, and it gets easier when you sort out your main roles. We have put together a guide that will help you understand each role as well as the playstyles associate...
ADC: Miss Fortune, Tristana, Kai’Sa, Caitlyn, Samira, Ezreal Support: Sona, Lux, Janna, Blitzcrank, Pyke, Senna Carrying champions aren't limited to only marksmen champions since some of the best solo carries are sometimes solo laners. The best champions change based on the current patch ...