BtWLoadouts 其他 当前评分:53.9 功能说明更新日志历史版本安装说明 205 最后更新:2025-02-27 02:02 插件大小:550.47kb 最新版本号:v1.20.9 插件来源:curseforge 插件作者:Breeni
Combine sets into loadouts to switch them at once Add conditions to prompt to switch loadouts in different situations, for example equipping special items for specific bosses Drag loadouts to your action bars Slash Commands /btwloadouts or /btwl - Bring up the main window /btwloadouts minimap...
BtWLoadouts Version: v1.20.9by: Breen [More] Change your characters spec, talents, equipment, and action bars all at once. Features Create talent, pvp talent, essence, soulbinds, equipment sets, and action bars Combine sets into loadouts to switch them at once Add conditions to prompt ...
更改專精、天賦、裝備和快捷列,一次全部搞定!還可以依據不同的區域,快速切換所有設定。 作 者Breen @ Curse 譯 者BNS (三皈依 - 暗影之月) 檔案名稱檔案版本檔案大小下載次數上傳時間註 記上傳者 BtWLoadouts-v1.18.0-beta.zip地心之戰v1.18.0-beta503.60 KB462024-07-21- 支援魔獸世界 ...