|What does IG stand for in text? What are Online Acronyms? An acronym is a word made up of the first letters of another word. For example, if I tell you, “I’m hungry,” then you can understand that I am hungry because you know that I am talking about food. However, if I tol...
This is the text that people read on your site, and it should be no smaller than 14 pixels. […] Reply Aydar Useful. Thank You. Reply Dinesh Verma Is typography related to niche in any way? Reply JohnM “Not only do you gain access to the typical web-safe fonts, but ...
So that my life is full, and full of surprise. For me, this is exactly what William Shakespeare (or whoever authored the works bearing his name) and Hunter Thompson had in common. It is the gift, and courage, to get us to fully participate in the story along with its creator. The ...
The reality is that the term “Visual Storytelling” is pretty new. Looking at Google Trends, for the past 12 years the term garnered low counts of under 100 searches a month, and it’s only in the past 3 years that the term is experiencing a growth, albeit still modest. Looking close...
BTW, is the .5 child the dog? If you’re thoroughly sick of politics, visit my“Can I Do It Alone?” Substack, where we have been discussing the challenges of cooking for one person. When in doubt, let’s eat. It’s illegal now in Russia to advocate a childfree life. Anyone who...
who is just plain silly. Even more interesting to me were comments in my closely knit “text” group, whose members are impressively credentialed. I will not share their names. I can, however, let you in on some of their insights. One of them: To my mind DiPippo gets both answers ...
BTW: The Organizational data type has also disappeared for me. I haven't deployed a solution using it yet, but I did have something setup that I was going to demonstrate. Is there some change I need to make to my published Power BI report to see this data type again?
The Deep State is the federal bureaucracy that creates laws, enforces them, and judges and punishes transgressors, which means it possesses all three powers that are supposed to be separate in America: legislative, executive, and judicial.
(btw: These formula is in column H) It's even get stranger now: If I remove the formula in column D and replace it manually by typing the values, I get a right answer in the column H (and after removing the radians like below:) formula B6*SIN(RADIALEN(E6*D6)), B5*SIN(RADIAL...
A couple of weeks old now, but this article is a good primer on the uses of OneNote as a learning...Date: 04/21/2009Microsoft | Microsoft workers get their very own mall, The Commons, on corporate campus | Seattle Times Newspaper...