Definition & Meaning of "BTD" What doesbtdmean? View the definition ofbtdand all related slang terms containingbtdbelow: btd : bored to death Usage of BTD Bored to death or BTD is an abbreviation that is commonly used to express boredom or a lack of excitement. People use this term when...
The abbreviation BTD is widely used with the meaning "Bored to Death." More Detail... In gaming circles, BTD means "Bloons Tower Defense." Image for BTD When I write BTD, I mean this: "Bored to Death" Summary of Key Points We have summarized the key points in the table below: ...
Abbr.Meaning ESA European Space Agency Technology, Space, Satellite ABL Automatic Brightness Limiter Brightness, Plasma, Flyback TRC Temperature Recorder Controller Oil, Gas, Temperature TS Temperature sense Temperature, Sensing, Sensor DCG Data Center Group Cloud, Business, Group AZ Availability Zone Tec...
Note that some tiles may be identical from territory to territory, meaning that some tiles on the same triple-letter code across different territories may use exactly the same loadouts and game settings. Each tile is given a particular three-lettered code (e.g. "CFG") to represent the ...
pierce while also being extremely cheap with a very fast rate and a T4 that is far better at camo removal than those other towers can reach. Giving this upgrade a more reasonable pierce value brings these more in line and allows for the pierce crosspath to have some potential meaning. ...
medal exists in the game, it cannot be obtained normally as the player cannot leave a Co-Op game and come back, meaning that the players who complete C.H.I.M.P.S. on Co-Op will always get the black medal. All of the maps have been solved on Co-Op C.H.I.M.P.S....
pierce while also being extremely cheap with a very fast rate and a T4 that is far better at camo removal than those other towers can reach. Giving this upgrade a more reasonable pierce value brings these more in line and allows for the pierce crosspath to have some potential meaning. ...
- when activating Drone Swarm“枪管发热!”(UCAV)"Weapons hot!" - when activating UCAV▪️当气球从出口溜走:“盯好出口!”"Eyes on that exit!"“这是一场战争”(法语)"C'est la guerre." (a French phrase meaning 'That's war.') 50楼2022-02-19 11:09 收起回复 我也说一句 ...
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class describes where the tower can be placed (land, water or any (meaning both, like pat futsy))Additionally you need to provide the coordinates in the hero selection menu in image_areas.json for a resolution of 2560x1440. If the hero shifts the positions of other heros the positions of...