BTCPay Server is a self-hosted, open-source cryptocurrency payment processor. It's secure, private, censorship-resistant and free. @BtcpayServer Overview Repositories75 Projects3 Packages People5 More PinnedLoading btcpayserverbtcpayserverPublic Accept Bitcoin payments. Free, open-source & self-hosted, Bitcoin payment processor. C#6.7k1.7k btcpayserver-dockerbtcpayserver-dockerPublic ...
postgres=User ID=<your db user>;Password=<your db password>;Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database=btcpayserver; 根据你的设置更改突出显示的变量variables。 检查一切是否正常。 /usr/bin/dotnet run -p ~i/source/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer/BTCPayServer.csproj -c ~/.btcpayserver/Main/settings.config --net...
此前消息,本周四,BTCPay Server 从加密货币交易平台 Kraken 处获得了15万美元的捐款。并且 Kraken 交易平台在交易终端Cryptowatch上集成了BTCPay Server。
BTCPay Server is a free and open-source cryptocurrency payment processor which allows you to receive payments in Bitcoin and altcoins directly, without processing fees or middlemen. Spread the word 47 Languages Norwegian 100% Polish 100% Persian 100% Slovak ...
# Login as root sudo su - # Create a folder for BTCPay mkdir BTCPayServer cd BTCPayServer # Clone this repository git clone cd btcpayserver-docker # Run with the right parameters export BTCPAY_HOST="" expor...
BlockBeats 消息,4 月 2 日,Tether 宣布向 BTCPay Server 基金会授予 10 万美元的赞助金,以支持自由和开放源代码软件(FOSS)的发展。BTCPay Server 基金会致力于推进金融隐私和自由,其开源支付处理软件使得全世界成千上万的商家和企业能够免费自定义使用,接受比特币和 Tether USD(USDt)支付(通过 Liquid 网络)。
Contact sales Log inSign up BTCPay Server + Calendly Streamline your invoicing process with this workflow. When a new invitee is added to your Calendly, an invoice is instantly created in BTCPay Server. This integration helps you save time and stay organized by ensuring eve...
币界网报道:近日,Tether向BTCPay服务器基金会捐赠了10万美元,以支持开源软件运动的发展。CEO Paolo Ardoino表示,这笔赠款体现了公司对其对促进开源技术发展的承诺。BTCPay Server是一款开源支付处理器软件,被全球众多商家和企业用于推动比特币和USDT交易。Rockstar Dev代表BTCPay服务器基金会感谢Tether的支持并表示这一捐赠...
git clone cd btcpayserver ./ 创建一个数据文件夹: mkdir-p~/.btcpayserver/Main cd~/.btcpayserver/Main 一个新的配置文件: touch settings.config 获取LND的证书指纹并将其粘贴到下面的配置文件中。