BTCPay Server is a self-hosted, open-source cryptocurrency payment processor. It's secure, private, censorship-resistant and free.
未来的其他更新将为 BTCPay Server 通知增加通知偏好选项和 API 支持。 此前消息,本周四,BTCPay Server 从加密货币交易平台 Kraken 处获得了15万美元的捐款。并且 Kraken 交易平台在交易终端Cryptowatch上集成了BTCPay Server。
The software is built in C# and conforms to the invoice API of BitPay. It allows for your website to be easily migrated from BitPay and configured as a self-hosted payment processor. You can run BTCPay as a self-hosted solution on your own server, or use a third-party host. The sel...
The software is built in C# and conforms to the invoice API of BitPay. It allows for your website to be easily migrated from BitPay and configured as a self-hosted payment processor. You can run BTCPay Server as a self-hosted solution on your own server, or use a third-party host. ...
This launcher will create a virtual machine on our platform with BTCPay pre-installed. To get started, enter your LunaNode API key details below. If you don't have a LunaNode account yet, follow these steps: Create an account ...
加密支付处理商BTCPay Server发布v1.3.0版本更新 金色财经报道,据官方消息,加密支付处理商BTCPay Server发布v1.3.0主要版本更新。该版本包括对LNURL-Pay、闪电网络地址和Taproot的支持;对补充发票和提取付款的闪电支持;众筹APP重新设计;改进Greenfield API,大量UI改进,消除一些bug等。
11月26日,比特币支付处理商BTCPay Server官方推特表示, v1.0.6.0版本发布,新增支持Greenfield API,并进行了UI完善、漏洞修复等操作,以及引入了试验性插件系统概念。在支付方面,可同时生成支付链接和 QR 码,这意味着在进行链上和链下支付时可使用统一的 QR 码。
Lightning: Replace user info in server URL when logging (#5750) @dennisreimann Lightning: Setup page fixes (#5796) @dennisreimann Currencies: Fix currency-api link (#5803) @fawazahmed0 Reports: Fix old payments not showing up in reports (#5812) @NicolasDorier ...
BTCPay Server是一个高性能、稳定、安全的比特币支付服务器。它提供了丰富的功能,包括交易创建、签名验证、交易广播、交易确认等。用户可以通过BTCPay Server API接口,轻松地发送和接收比特币交易。 BTCPay Server支持多种比特币网络,包括主网、测试网和侧链。它提供了灵活的配置选项,可以根据用户的需求调整服务器参数,...
使用格林菲尔德API / php的BTCPay服务器集成return redirect($response->getCheckoutLink());