马可波罗网(makepolo.com)提供防爆轴流风机/低噪音/防爆BT35-11-5/玻璃钢风机,产品详情:品牌/型号:STV/T35-11 BT35-11)、风机压力:中压风机、配套电机功率:0.37/0.75(kw)、适用风机:通风换气或加强暖气散热、涡轮头材质:-、是否提供加工定制:是,更多产品详情
风机概述BT35-11(T40-11)系列轴流式通风机是我国八十年代在T30-11的基础上改进设计的新型风机,它与T30-11风机相比具有明显优点:① 结构更合理;② 性能有较大提高,
BT35表示什么含义?B表示半导体 T表示特种管 3表示有三个电极 5表示耗散功率为500mW
评论(0) 货运& 付款 包装 保障 RK73H2BT3572F 产品详情 The RK73H2BT3572F parts manufactured by KOA are available for purchase at Jotrin Electronics. Here you can find various types and values of electronic parts from the world's leading manufacturers. The RK73H2BT3572F components of...
While the concept of identity has been generally deployed when discussing nationalism and devolution, the concept of allegiance has been relatively neglected, and it is that absence which appears to give substance to a common view that multinational democracy is at odds with national legitimacy. The...
The result indicated that only four respondents were able to solve all the learning activities at the application level that involved concepts and facts of mathematics, procedures for selection and definition and giving reasons. Two respondents were at the level of knowledge acquisition. This level ...
风机概述BT35-11(T40-11)系列轴流式通风机是我国八十年代在T30-11的基础上改进设计的新型风机,它与T30-11风机相比具有明显优点:① 结构更合理;② 性能有较大提高,
风机概述BT35-11(T40-11)系列轴流式通风机是我国八十年代在T30-11的基础上改进设计的新型风机,它与T30-11风机相比具有明显优点:① 结构更合理;② 性能有较大提高,