高畫質Mode 7圖層與寬螢幕功能的方式相當簡單,執行bsnes 107.3 beta 4後,在工具列點選Settings -> Emulator開啟設定視窗,勾選PPU欄位的Fast Mode、Widescreen,並在Scale選單選擇需要的Mode 7圖層解析度,然後關閉模擬器再重新啟動、執行遊戲即可。 但需要注意的是,這個功能占用系統資源較多,所以遇到執行效率不佳時,可...
Widescreen– Extending the scenes to the left and right, without distorting them. Works for most Mode 7 scenes, but also for some other scenes/games, after some setting tweaking. Some non-HD related features– Like the ability to disable background layers, sprites and window effects for screen...
Fallback x-coordinate (WideScreen Ig Win Coordinate) The x-coordinate used as fallback for "ignore window". (defaults to 128 (the center)) Line color HD (HD Background Color Radius) The amount of neighboring lines used to smooth color gradients that are applied to the frame, e.g. to ...
bsnes-hd beta 10.6Latest The libretro core now re-applies setting overrides whenever settings change. The setting override to allow widescreen windowing can now be enabled manually in the libretro core as an option. The setting overrides for pixel aspect ratio correction and overscan are available ...
{ "bsnes_mode7_wsMarker", "WideScreen Marker; none|lines|darken" }, { "bsnes_mode7_wsMarkerAlpha", "WideScreen Marker Alpha; 1/1|1/2|1/3|1/4|1/5|1/6|1/7|1/8|1/9|1/10" }, { "bsnes_mode7_bgGrad", "HD Background Color Radius; 4|5|6|7|8|0|1...
Widescreen technical What is it? bsnes-hd (called "HD Mode 7 mod, for bsnes" in early betas) is a fork of bsnes (great SNES emulator byNear) that adds HD video features, such as: HD Mode 7 Rendering the rotated, scaled or pseudo perspective backgrounds at higher resolutions. This does...
Fallback x-coordinate (WideScreen Ig Win Coordinate)The x-coordinate used as fallback for "ignore window". (defaults to 128 (the center))Line color HD (HD Background Color Radius)The amount of neighboring lines used to smooth color gradients that are applied to the frame, e.g. to ...
non-HD: use 'classic' Mode 7 with Mosaic applied. Looks as intended, but disables HD and widescreen. 1x scale(default): instead of the setScaleuse "1x". Provides a good compromise between the other two options. ignore: ignore the Mosaic effect completely. ...