The Scouts BSA program is a big change from cub scouting, the biggest change being that it isscout-ledinstead of adult-led. If you have youth crossing over from Webelos and joining a scout troop, challenge them to invite at least one non-scouting friend to join them. Since 3/4 of Sco...
The Scoutmaster conference also reinforces the importance of the Scout Oath and Law in a Scout’s life. It provides an opportunity for the Scout to demonstrate their understanding and application of these principles in their daily life, both within and outside of Scouting. Overall, the Scoutmaste...
3.A ‘boy-led’ Troop.Lord Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of the Scouting movement designed the Boy Scout program to be led by the Scouts themselves. Our adult leaders provide direction, coaching, and a safe environment, but the Troop is run by the Scouts. They hold monthly councils and...
Adultandyouthfirstaidtraining,includingCPR,isanimportantsafetyconsiderationforallScoutingactivities, notjustboating.FirstaidtrainingisnotincludedinthePaddleCraftSafetycoursewiththeexpectationthatthe leaderhasaddressedthatneedseparately,asnotedinthecoursematerialandonthetrainingcard. ...
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