深圳市实测通技术服务有限公司 提供的 英国标准 BS 4875-7-家具的强度和稳定性-储存家具耐力和强度的测定,Testitem 测试名称:Furniture- Strength and stability of furniture - Part 7: Domestic andcontract storage
内容提示: BS 4875-7:2006Strength and stability of furniture –Part 7: Domestic and contract storage furniture – Performance requirementsICS 97.140NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBRITISH STANDARDIncorporatingCorrigendum No. 1Licensed copy: Vocational Trading Council, ...
BS 4875-7:2006(2011) 适用范围 BS 4875 的这一部分描述了存储家具强度和耐用性的测定方法。它不适用于 BS EN 1727 中给出的用于确定家用储藏家具安全方面的测试方法。该标准不适用于 BS 6222 涵盖的厨房家具的结构性能,也不适用于 BS 6222 涵盖的办公家具的结构性能。 BS 5459-3 涵盖,教育家具也涵盖 BS ... horizontal load on pivoted doors旋转门上的水平负载 7.1.4 Wear and fatigue of pivoted doors轴心门的磨损和疲劳测试 7.1.3 Slam open/shut of pivoted doors轴心门的撞击测试 7.2.3 Wear and fatigue of sliding doorsand horizontal roll fronts滑动门的磨损和疲劳测试 7.2.2 Slam open/shut of sl...
© BSI 2006 • 3BS 4875-7:20065.2 Moisture content of timber componentsBefore testing, parts made of timber products shall be checked with an electric moisture meter to determine whether the moisture content is between 8% and 12%. If the moisture is outside this range the sample shall be...
1998ICS 97.140NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWFurniture Ð Strengthand stability offurniture ÐPart 7: Methods for determination ofstrength and durability of storagefurnitureLicensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Fri Dec 01 09:17:10 GMT+00:00 2006, ...
发布历史BS 4875-7:1985 标准号 BS 4875-7:1985 1985年 发布单位 SCC 替代标准 BS 4875-7:1998 当前最新 BS 4875-7:2006(2011) 适用范围 适用于除内置家具之外的储藏家具。指定五个测试级别,并针对每个级别适用的使用类型提供指导。 购买 正式版
Methodsfordeterminationof strengthanddurabilityofstorage furniture L i c e n s e d C o p y : A r g o s A r g o s , A u g u s t 2 1 , 2 0 0 1 , U n c o n t r o l l e d C o p y , ( c ) B S I BS4875-7:1998 ThisBritishStandard,having beenprepared...
行业资料--轻工业/手工业 系统标签: furniturestabilitystrength BS 4875-7-2006 Strength and stability of furniture,BS 4875-7-2006 Strength and stability of furniture, 君,已阅读到文档的结尾了呢~~ 立即下载相似精选,再来一篇 高佬 分享于2010-11-08 17:17...
BS 4875-7:1998 BS 4875-7:1998 Committees responsible for this British Standard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted to Technical Committee FW/2, Domestic and contract furniture, upon which the following bodies were represented: This British Standard, having been prepared under the...