内容提示: BS 4875-7:2006Strength and stability of furniture –Part 7: Domestic and contract storage furniture – Performance requirementsICS 97.140NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBRITISH STANDARDIncorporatingCorrigendum No. 1Licensed copy: Vocational Trading Council, ...
© BSI 2006 • 3BS 4875-7:20065.2 Moisture content of timber componentsBefore testing, parts made of timber products shall be checked with an electric moisture meter to determine whether the moisture content is between 8% and 12%. If the moisture is outside this range the sample shall be...
BS 4875-7-2006 Strength and stability of furniture,BS 4875-7-2006 Strength and stability of furniture, horizontal load on pivoted doors旋转门上的水平负载 7.1.4 Wear and fatigue of pivoted doors轴心门的磨损和疲劳测试 7.1.3 Slam open/shut of pivoted doors轴心门的撞击测试 7.2.3 Wear and fatigue of sliding doorsand horizontal roll fronts滑动门的磨损和疲劳测试 7.2.2 Slam open/shut of sl...
发布历史BS 4875-7:1985 标准号 BS 4875-7:1985 1985年 发布单位 SCC 替代标准 BS 4875-7:1998 当前最新 BS 4875-7:2006(2011) 适用范围 适用于除内置家具之外的储藏家具。指定五个测试级别,并针对每个级别适用的使用类型提供指导。 购买 正式版
BS4875-1-2007 强度和耐久性要求 domesticseating 家具的强度和稳定性.家用和定做用桌 BS4875-5-2001子及小台车的强度、耐用性和稳定性要 求trolleysfordomesticandcontractuse 家具的强度和稳定性.家用和订做储藏 BS4875-7-2006contractstoragefurniture-Performance ...
BS 家用桌子强度测试疲劳测试稳定性测试.docx,BS 4875-5:2009 BSI British Standards Strength and stability of furniture Part 5: Requirements for strength, durability and stability of tables and trolleys for domestic use NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXC
1998ICS 97.140NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWFurniture Ð Strengthand stability offurniture ÐPart 7: Methods for determination ofstrength and durability of storagefurnitureLicensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Fri Dec 01 09:17:10 GMT+00:00 2006, ...
BS4875 库存: 1000组 生产商: 东莞标检产品检测有限公司 产地: 东莞 一站检测,通行全球STC出具报告,公正,全球认可!! 提供BS 4875-7: 2006,BS 4875-8:1998储存类家具测试服务,提供办公家具安全强度性能测试服务,提供BS 5459-1: 1977,BS 5459-2: 2000办公桌椅性能测试服务。检测包括的产品有:EN1335-1办公...
licensed copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, fri dec 01 09:17:10 gmt+00:00 2006, uncontrolled copy, (c) bsi bsi 19981 bs 4875-7:1998 methods 1 scope this part of bs 4875 describes methods for determination of the strength and durability of storage furniture. it does not apply to test...