Durable Brooks Women's Cascadia 16 trail-running shoes offer exceptional traction and foot protection on any terrain.
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Men's Cascadia 18 Blue Sapphire/Black/Orange|Medium (1D) Resale$73.00New$140.00 Men's Adrenaline GTS 24 Black/White|Wide (2E) Resale$91.00New$140.00 Shop women's shoes Shop men's shoes One small step for the long run At Brooks, we’re working to lessen our environmental impact by makin...
Brooks 一直以缓震的DNA科技著称,也是我非常喜欢的跑鞋,而这款CASCADIA 10其实口碑极好,推荐给盆友 STP Brooks Cascadia 10 Trail Running Shoes (For Women) ¥69.99美 去购买 “这款Brooks Cascadia 10 女款轻量级跑鞋,轻质透气网格元素面料提供给双脚保护,合成轻量级结构覆盖提供支持力。豪华的舌头和鞋领,提供一个...
外观:就如同顶楼图片一样,Cascadia 8具有流畅曲线的非对称鞋面设计实在大赞,朱红色的超细纤维(非普通跑鞋上的大孔网布哦)配以粗犷的黑色钻石样纹路,有种奢华但又柔中带刚的感觉吧。作为越野跑鞋或许太艳丽了点,不过我喜欢。鞋面:虽然Brooks家引以为傲的DNA脚感很棒,但是这双Cascadia 8的鞋面设计实在亮点颇多,我就...
Cascadia 18 GTX Trail Running Shoe - Women's 4 CAN $189.99 -20% Brooks Glycerin 21 Running Shoes - Women's 38 CAN $159.99 CAN $199.99 Brooks Ghost Max 2 Road Running Shoes [Extra Wide] - Men's 1 CAN $189.99 Brooks Journey 5" Shorts - Men's 0 CAN $64.99 Brooks...
Shop all Brooks shoes, apparel and gear at Fleet Feet. Built specifically for running, every athlete can find the perfect Brooks gear to run happy.
Shop all Brooks shoes, apparel and gear at Fleet Feet. Built specifically for running, every athlete can find the perfect Brooks gear to run happy.
Women's road-running shoes Original price$160.00Current price$109.95 31% off 8 colors Glycerin 21 Men's road-running shoes Original price$160.00Current price$109.95 31% off 11 colors Ghost 16 Women's road-running shoes $140.00 15 colors ...