Brooks Cascadia 17 Running Shoe - Women's Minimum Clearance Price $89.98 $89.98 ★★★ (88) Quick Add - Not Selected - Selected - Not Selected - Not Selected - Not Selected Brooks Adrenaline 24 Running Shoe - Women's Minimum Clearance Price $114.98 $114.98 – Maximum Clearance Price $...
Running Shoe Reviews Brooks Performance Reviews Brooks Cascadia 17 Performance Review The Brooks Cascadia 17, like the previous iterations of the line, is everything you need in a trail… Drew WhitcombSam Lohse August 15, 2023 Read More Running Shoe Reviews Brooks Performance Reviews Brooks Hyp...
新的Caldera 采用了 Catamount 和 Cascadia 所没有的东西,打造出一款瘀伤鞋,并完全专注于舒适性、保护性和距离。Caldera 是一款非常适合长时间跑步和在中等及以下小径上进行超长距离运动的鞋子。 超值款推荐:布鲁克斯(BROOKS)跑鞋男越野Caldera 6山啸 广告 布鲁克斯(BROOKS)越野跑鞋男女徒步防滑运动鞋缓震 京东 ¥979.0...
外观:就如同顶楼图片一样,Cascadia 8具有流畅曲线的非对称鞋面设计实在大赞,朱红色的超细纤维(非普通跑鞋上的大孔网布哦)配以粗犷的黑色钻石样纹路,有种奢华但又柔中带刚的感觉吧。作为越野跑鞋或许太艳丽了点,不过我喜欢。鞋面:虽然Brooks家引以为傲的DNA脚感很棒,但是这双Cascadia 8的鞋面设计实在亮点颇多,我就...
Cascadia 2189 的原型是越野跑鞋 Cascadia 11 系列,同时在外形、配色上都有着特殊的设计改动。每一双 2189 都有着自己的独特编号,代表着它属于阿巴拉契亚山脉小径 2189 英里中的哪一部分。 Berkshire Hathaway Shoe 记得小布之前讲过 Brooks 与股神巴菲特之间的渊源嘛? 每年5 月,Brooks 都会推出一款伯克希尔·哈撒韦股...
Cascadia 2189 的原型是越野跑鞋 Cascadia 11 系列,同时在外形、配色上都有着特殊的设计改动。每一双 2189 都有着自己的独特编号,代表着它属于阿巴拉契亚山脉小径 2189 英里中的哪一部分。 Berkshire Hathaway Shoe 记得小布之前讲过 Brooks 与股神巴菲特之间的渊源嘛? 是谁让巴菲特换下穿了 15 年的旧跑鞋? 每年5...
If we had to pick just one shoe from Brooks trail running assortment, the Cascadia would be it. While it lacks the cushy ride of the Caldera 7 or the lightweight speed-focused ride of the Catamount, the Cascadia is the most versatile out of the lot. ...
ourcushion running shoecollection is the perfect fit. OurGlycerinorGhostshoe collections, built with DNA LOFT technology, offer plush comfort so you can say goodbye to tired feet. If you are more of a natural trail trekker, ourmen's hiking shoes, including theCalderaorCascadiashoe collections, ...
I’ve only ever run the Cascadia 10 and Green Silence, and not many miles in either of those. I was very intrigued by the design concept when I saw them at Outdoor Retailer last year, especially the decoupled design that lets […] Filed Under: Brooks, running shoe review, running ...