布洛克·莱斯纳(Brock Lesnar,全名Brock Edward Les nar),男,1977年7月12日出生于美国韦伯斯特南达科塔州,美国职业摔角运动员,前综合格斗运动员。2002年,莱斯纳与WWF签约,并且前往其下属发展联盟OVW训练。2003年,莱斯纳在“皇家大战”(Royal Rumble)中击败大秀哥获得参加30人大混战的参赛资格,并且在该赛事...
根据外媒报道,WWE从来没有计划让这位超级明星布洛克·莱斯纳(Brock Lesnar)参加摔角狂热之爆裂震撼大赛(WrestleMania Backlash)。这让摔迷们都很惊讶!即使布洛克·莱斯纳(Brock Lesnar)早些时候曾为该节目宣传,但最后名单上上并没有他的比赛。 他还说,据传布洛克·莱斯纳(Brock Lesnar)将在7月举行的合约阶梯赛(Money In...
布洛克莱斯纳 (Brock Lesnar) 处于正派角色时在2021年采用了全新的形象,开始了他作为牛仔莱斯纳 (Cowboy Lesnar) 的演出。在摔角狂热39(WrestleMania 39 )后的RAW之后,猛兽布洛克莱斯纳 (Brock Lesnar) 在外观上有了另一个变化,但是是黑暗的一面。 两周前,在红色品牌节目上,这两位明星将在节目的主赛事中组队,在...
Roman Reigns last appeared in a WWE ring back in March before WrestleMania. Roman was set to face Goldberg for the Universal title at the show, but removed himself from TV due to concerns related to Coronavirus. With regards to Brock Lesnar, the former UFC star dropped the WWE title in th...
Reigns and Lesnar main eventedWrestleMania 38, and while the bout had a big-fight feel, the match itself was mildly underwhelming. Dave Meltzer gave the match three and a quarter stars, which feels about right. They didn't stink up AT&T Stadium by any stretch, but they didn't put on th...
Reigns and Lesnar will main-event WrestleMania for the third time. Between the lack of chemistry, nonsensical storyline, and a broken roster, this feud should have been nixed years ago but here we are, with the third match being shoved down the throats of fans. ...
Brock Lesnar reportedly went off script at one point during the WWE Championship match at Elimination Chamber.
2022年PPV摔角狂热38之WWE毋庸置疑冠军合并争夺赛Part8-Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns 184 0 03:09 App Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns Wrestlemania 34 Promo - HD 371 0 02:57 App 皇家大战2022之冠军争夺赛:Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins 107 0 01:31 App 夏日狂潮2002之WWE冠军争夺赛Part(08)-Brock ...
Brock Lesnar stares down Paul Heyman but takes his eyes off Roman Reigns as The Head of the Table comes flying in to drive The Beast through the barricade. Catch WWE action on Peacock, WWE Network, FOX, USA Network, Sony India and more.
Roman Reigns promises to smash an enraged Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania: SmackDown, March 18, 2022 Universal Champion Roman Reigns says it’s a good thing The Beast isn’t at SmackDown or else The Head of The Table would smash him like he’s done numerous times. Catch W...