罗门·伦斯(Roman Reigns),男,本名Leati Joseph Anoa'i,1985年5月25日出生于美国佛罗里达州彭萨科拉市,美国职业摔跤手。效力于圣盾军团俱乐部。2013年5月19日,雷恩斯和罗林斯的组合,战胜对手,获得WWE的双打冠军。2014年1月28日,皇家大战30人混战的比赛,雷恩斯淘汰12人,创造了赛会的新纪录。2015年7月1日...
在上周的Raw节目中,Roman Reigns和Bobby Lashley为争夺在夏季狂潮大赛挑战WWE环球冠军Brock Lesnar的资格展开较量,最终双方鏖战至最后Roman获得了胜利。赢下了比赛的Roman似乎没有那么兴奋,因为他知道为了拿到这条象征着Raw最高荣誉的腰带,他已经得到了太多的机会和他人的铺路,如果再次失败,他又将何去何从,不得而知,...
Universal Title Fatal 4-Way match at WWE SummerSlam 2017 still in our memories. If you missed the same, feel free to take a look at the match happened at Barclays Center. Brock Lesnar made the victory over Roman Reigns, Braun Strowman, as well as Samoa Joe. As the entire universe though...
前WWE 作家文斯卢索将罗曼雷恩斯比作两位巨星绿巨人霍根和“猛男”兰迪·萨维奇。 罗曼雷恩斯(Roman Reigns)是最大的 WWE 超级巨星,在过去的几年里一直占据主导地位。五个月前,罗曼雷恩斯(Roman Reigns)统一了两个世界冠军,成为了无可争议的 WWE 环球冠军。虽然布洛克莱斯纳(Brock Lesnar)也非常重要,但没有人像...
Triple H今天在RAW上介绍了一个新的冠军,他提到了罗曼雷恩斯(Roman Reigns)。Triple H谈到罗曼雷恩斯(Roman Reigns)这位明星让WWE处于一个他无法控制太多的位置,所以WWE引入了另一个冠军头衔。前WWE首席编剧文斯卢索(Vince Russo) 现在对此发表了评论。
1Vs. Brock Lesnar – WrestleMania 34 Brock Lesnar is arguably Roman Reigns' biggest rival, but that doesn't mean they didn't have disappointing matches. Everyone was looking forward totheir showdown atWrestleMania 34, expecting something similar toWrestleMania 31, but the match ended up being pr...
was deemed as the end of an era and the latter was possibly the biggest rivalry in the history of the sport, going by numbers alone. And now, after years and years, wrestling fans will be witnessing another culmination at the upcoming mega-event, namely, Brock Lesnar versus Roman Reigns....
Reigns always left a lasting impression on anyone who came in contact with him. The intense Superstar proved himself while forging his path as a singles competitor and has never turned away from a challenge, battling everyone from Brock Lesnar to John Cena to Triple H to a WrestleMania showdow...
Brock Lesnar stares down Paul Heyman but takes his eyes off Roman Reigns as The Head of the Table comes flying in to drive The Beast through the barricade. Catch WWE action on Peacock, WWE Network, FOX, USA Network, Sony India and more.