If the purpose is to create or promote a separate set of values which furthers ones own ideological cause (be it political, social, religious) with no examination of the pros and cons of those values then it should be seen for what it is – the kind of bad faith argument that we shou...
aIndividualism, which has various explanations in the British Encyclopedia, is a moral, political, and social philosophy, emphasizing individual liberty, the primary importance of the individual and the “Personal Independence. 个人主义,有各种各样的解释在英国的百科全书,是道德,政治和社会哲学,强调单独自...
British Values Promoting and Teaching British Values As part of our commitment to the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development of our children, we promote the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of those with ...
the forces of good ultimately rally and triumph over evil. Here among you is the cradle of self-government, the Mother of Parliaments. Here is the enduring greatness of the British contribution to mankind, the great civilized ideas: individual liberty, representative government, and the rule ...
This article argues to the contrary that it is immigration policy that departs from an earlier consensus on British values. The article looks at the disagreement within the British elite over the measures adopted to deter asylum-seekers and argues that, in their effect on individual liberty and ...
Politics: What is to be Done? Towards Truths, Normalisation, Peace in the 21st Century The Present Situation is Abnormal & Intolerable. There May Be One (and Only One) Peacable Solution that is Feasible: Revealing Individual Choices Privately with Full Information & Security: Indian “Green Card...
The answer is that British history has become a battleground in a culture war that seeks to carve out two sides on every topic. One side values patriotism, tradition, common-sense; they see British history as a story of victories to be celebrated (indeed, the group within the Conservative ...
It informs everything we do, as we defend liberty, equality, autonomy, and dignity; as we dismantle colonization, racism, sexism, transphobia and homophobia, and all discrimination. These are our values, and they inform our hiring practices too. Our business is aiding people in severe legal ...
I live in apprehension that my death will be slow, difficult, unpleasant, painful, un dignified and inconsistent with the values and principles I have tried to live by. . . . . . . . . . What I fear is a death that negates, as opposed to concludes, my life....
Meanwhile, for dementia awareness week, we should examine what we want dementia services to look like and ask people who have dementia to tell us what they want from services rather than making decisions around what we think is best. I think social work and social work values are particularly...