Red Rag British uniform's red coat Redshank A Highlander Roller Neck cloth Ruffler A beggar Rumbo Rum, sugar and water Saddle Sick Dislike of riding horses Saloop Tea, milk and sugar Sheepskin Fiddler A drummer Shifting Ballast Naval term for soldiers transported by sea Skilly ...
5-Ball Infantry Officer's Sword (Spadroon), 1780s-1800 Introduced in the 1780s this was considered the first attempt at a uniform pattern sword for the British Infantry. Called the 5-ball Spadroon because of the 5 ball decoration on the hilt, this pattern proved quite popular and even the...
similar to the British Indian Army soldier in 1940s during the Hur uprising. A judge of the highest court in Pakistan notes that there was uniform precedence and similarity in the behaviour and verdict of Supreme Court judges in dealing with petitions of dismissed Prime Ministers belonging to ...
He recollected on this subject a strong expression of a right honourable gentleman (we suppose Mr. Windham), who said, that since the capture of Richard I, the conduct of the Court of Vienna had been marked by an uniform series of treachery towards this country. To guard against this ...
I half returned his salute, remembered I was not in uniform and dropped my hand. He took my luggage, escorted me to a sand-brown car and drove me across the blinding-white runways to a far corner of the airport where a small white executive-type jet was waiting. It was unmarked ...