Bleeders Spurs Bloody Back A soldier Blue Plum A bullet Bog Land Ireland Boots Youngest officer in a mess Brimstone/Brim A deserted woman Brown Bess British musket Brown George An army loaf or an unpowdered wig Buffs Soldiers' belts Bulldog A pistol Bumbo Brandy, water and su...
5-Ball Infantry Officer's Sword (Spadroon), 1780s-1800 Introduced in the 1780s this was considered the first attempt at a uniform pattern sword for the British Infantry. Called the 5-ball Spadroon because of the 5 ball decoration on the hilt, this pattern proved quite popular and even the...
(a non-commissioned officer of 2 East Bengal Regiment) quipped that “there are no tigers in Mianwali (referring to Niazi’s birth place). Here you are among tigers”. Kadar fought against Pakistan army and earned for himself the nick name of ‘Tiger’ and later popularly known as ‘Tiger...
I half returned his salute, remembered I was not in uniform and dropped my hand. He took my luggage, escorted me to a sand-brown car and drove me across the blinding-white runways to a far corner of the airport where a small white executive-type jet was waiting. It was unmarked ...