a quick look around (originally military slang) Shufti - Pronounced shooftee, this means to take a look at something, to take a butchers! codswallop nonsensical talk or writing Codswallop - Another one I heard a lot as a kid - usually when I was making up excuses for how the window...
There could be an entire English dictionary devoted to variations of this single word. Referring to what in the US would be your ass, this word can be coupled with a variety of other words to create whole new realms of British slang (see below). Arse over tit The undignified process of ...
Knackeredis British slang for “very tired.” It was first recorded in English in the late 1880s fromknacker, or “to tire.” It’s related to an earlier sense ofknackerthat meant “to kill.” Luckily, the meaning today is much less shocking. Though it’s an older word,knackeredis s...
Discover the charm of British slang with 105 colourful words and phrases! Explore the unique expressions that make UK conversations truly special.
Jimmy- Actually short for Jimmy Riddle. i.e. I'm off for a Jimmy Riddle. This is Cockney rhyming slang for piddle! John Thomas- Yet another word for a blokes willy! I always felt a bit sorry for people who were actually called John Thomas. What were their parents thinking?
So, take the time to learn about the slang commonly used in the specific region you're in or interacting with. And always ask the locals for clarification if you're unsure! 2. Using slang words in the wrong context Some slang terms are considered more casual or even rude, so using them...
Bobby –affectionate slang term for a policeman; derived from the nickname for Sir Robert Peel, the founder of the Metropolitan Police. Often used in the phrase: “village bobby” to refer to the local community police officer who looks after small English villages. ...
(2) slang To speak nonsense. Chuffed, chuffing. CHUFFED adv. 1. Happy, as in, "I was really CHUFFED when I passed my exams." CHUTNEY n. A preserve made with vegetables and mild spices, used by the English to accompany cold meats, cheeses and savoury pies. CIDER n. 1. Not apple...
Bobbins — Nonsense You don’t want anyone to accuse you of talking about this, unless you’re telling a tall tale. Example: “Stop talking bobbins.” Snog — Kiss The French invented the French kiss, but it’s the British who gave it this cool slang name. Example: “He often brags...
butMinder(the title, “Minder,” refers to UK slang for right-hand-man) managed to appeal to audiences both in and out of the UK because of its likable antihero, Terry McCann. A former boxer, Terry spends most of his time in the series as a henchman for the influential criminal Arthur...