I have written a recipe for a stone-cold school dinners classic for mymonthly subscribers. I went for the pink-sponge and custard because quite a few people have mentioned this as a favourite on social media, so it was the obvious choice. Heather Ellis said on Twitter that there were seve...
The British term for an umbrella. Interesting Fact: The old-timey American slang term for umbrella was “bumbershoot” which used to describe a large umbrella. The term came from the words “umbrella” and “parachute” and was originally used as slang by soldiers during World War I to descr...
A month ago I had the pleasing experience of packing for Perth. In South African slang, ‘packing for Perth’ means immigrating to Australia. In the decade that followed thetransition to democracy, around800,000 mainly white South Africans left– some for New Zealand, Britain, and the United...
This year I have been more patient and waited for them to get fully-bletted. Medlars are a strange fruit in that they cannot be eaten until they have gone very dark, ripe and soft, a process calledbletting. Any other fruit would be thrown away in this state, but medlars are unique b...