模仿Sherlock/practice my British accent 005咸得干饭鱼 立即播放 打开App,看更多精彩视频100+个相关视频 更多133 -- 0:55 App 模仿Sherlock/practice my British accent 004 3.6万 28 1:02 App 小姐妹的舌钉展示 51 -- 0:34 App 模仿Sherlock/parcice my British accent 001 47.9万 1377 3:27 App ...
This accent, which originated in the upper middle class of England, has a clear and refined pronunciation and comes with an elite atmosphere. After a long historical evolution, it is considered the standard British Accent.全球排名第一的口音是British Accent, 它其实指的是RP (Received Pronounciation)...
Everyday British English Conversations (Cafe) British Accent Training bili_81137045910 3 0 5 British Idioms I Use EVERY DAY! (Modern RP) bili_81137045910 5 0 Order a Coffee With Me! – REAL DAILY BRITISH ENGLISH (Modern RP) bili_81137045910 1 0 小猪佩奇 第十季 中文配音 01 动画纪 295...
Brisson's speaking voice is accented and stilted, partly due to the wooden script and inadequa- cies in early microphone technology. But Brisson's Danish accent became neutralised by his singing voice such that the film's press advertisements boasted: 'Our mother tongue as it should be ...
overbearingly self-confident South African, Captain van der Poel (Anthony Quayle). They share an odyssey in which appearances are deceptive, whether of the sand or the people. One lighter example is a seeming desert Arab who reveals an old-school-tie accent under his disguise, possibly to rem...