11 -- 0:26 App Practice Introducing Yourself in English #Shorts| 练习用英语介绍自己 21 -- 9:03 App English Preposition Test In, On, At| 英语介词测试在 1.3万 23 11:18 App Learn How To Talk About Your Daily Routine in English Part 2【英文字幕】 22 -- 18:52 App Where to Put Adv...
133 -- 0:55 App 模仿Sherlock/practice my British accent 004 3.6万 28 1:02 App 小姐妹的舌钉展示 51 -- 0:34 App 模仿Sherlock/parcice my British accent 001 47.9万 1377 3:27 App 坐公交车有人在我旁边拉屎,还拉了两次。还让我帮忙接屎。 3.6万 28 1:11:53 App 【猫和老鼠:西部大...
This accent, which originated in the upper middle class of England, has a clear and refined pronunciation and comes with an elite atmosphere. After a long historical evolution, it is considered the standard British Accent.全球排名第一的口音是British Accent, 它其实指的是RP (Received Pronounciation)...
一周一更 Would you like to speak English with an RP British English accent. This podcast provides pronunciation practice and tips and tricks to improve your spoken English. 4.2 共5 分 26 个评分 语言学习 一周一更 语言学习 一周一更
How Does WhatsApp/WeChat Feedback Work? No waiting for lessons! Talk to me whenever you want I will guide you through the course, correct your pronunciation, and give you learning plans, tailored toYOUandYOURaccent Send me recordings of your practice/homework ...
In this post, we cover the top 11 tips for how to speak with a British accent, the main linguistic features of the British accent, the types of British accents, British English slang and, of course, practice resources so you can perfect your very own British accent at home. Download: Th...
- Listening Practice: Hear each word's proper pronunciation by a native speaker - Perfect your Pronunciation: Compare your pronunciation to the native speaker's with the Voice Recorder, easily accessible throughout the app - Personalized Word Bank: Save difficult or useful words, with their audio...
Most dictionary websites and apps will have an audio of the word so you can check the pronunciation. Depending on the app or website you're using, the accent will be a little bit different.大多数词典网站和应用程序都会有这个词的音频,这样你可以检查发音。根据你使用的应用程序或网站,口音会有...
Elliot老师- 英式俚语中常见的RP读音 British Slang Everybody. It'sme, yourmateElliottfromETJEnglish.大家好,我是来自 ETJ 英语的埃利奥特。Andtoday, we'recombiningslangandpronunciationtogether.今天,我们将学习俚语中的发音。Let'sdoit.让我们开始吧。Iknowthatyouguyslovelearningpronunciation.我知道你们喜欢学习...
App English Listening Practice - A REAL Conversation Between Native Speakers! 134 0 29:20 App Which Online English Learning Platform is the Best An English Teacher Reacts… 81 0 17:49 App Do YOU Make These Common English Mistakes在英语表达里,你是否犯同样的错误?/英语生肉 103 0 11:22 ...