When an NFL team wins a Super Bowl, they're rewarded with the Vince Lombardi trophy, named after legendary coach Vince Lombardi of the Green Bay Packers. When the New England Patriots won Super Bowl LIII, they were asked to come out for the first pitch with the Boston Red Sox. Patriots ...
Next Post Meme-Hectic 495 thoughts on “Bring Back That Wonder Feeling- A Blast From The Past From March 2012” Dorothy Dimock says: February 10, 2023 at 1:32 pm “The future is free.” Some assembly required. wyrdbard says: February 10, 2023 at 1:40 pm Parts may not be correc...
because without it, theoretically, the business model could essentially look like half the people making a living from the old form of commodifying nature (turning it into products) and the other half making a living restoring and preserving nature. Instead...
Seeing the Jewish sponsored meme that’s been promoted since 2008 - you don’t want any of that social justice warring, do you? - I saw it as occasion to join the conversation, which I do, late in the hangout (2:20:47) having just woken up (I’m in a complete...