In the text below I will try to give a short overview over some of the basics when breeding crayfish. Particular species may have other behaviours and demands. It should also be said that my main experience as an aquarist is related to fish, but I will try conveying what little knowledge...
The occurrence and frequency of the conditional breeding behaviours in pupfish represent facultative responses of males to changes in the intensity of competition for breeding sites and females.doi:10.1007/BF00300545Astrid Kodric-BrownSpringer-VerlagBehavioral Ecology and Sociobiology...
In the current study, we assessed agonistic interactions within groups of the cooperatively breeding daffodil cichlid fish (Neolamprologus pulcher) to investigate the relationship between the aggressive behaviours of the dominant breeding pair, and the submissive responses of the highest ranked subordinate ...
Such strategies may be particularly relevant to Kentish plover on Maio where the onset of seasonal precipitation is expected to be related to rapid increases in food availability and breeding activity64. Future research should seek to understand in more detail the social behaviours between future ...
Thus, there is a qualitative difference between sexual behaviours including courtship and other behaviours associated with reproduction and increased plasma T levels: Whilst the former are not shown in other periods of the year or life history stages, the latter might be present all the time but ...
Grantner A, Taborsky M (1998) The metabolic rates associated with resting, and with the performance of agonistic, submissive and digging behaviours in the cichlid fish Neolamprologus pulcher (Pisces: Cichlidae). J Compar Physiol B 168:427–433 Article Google Scholar Heg D, Bachar Z, Brouwer...
We were also interested in the effects of hatchery rearing on the link between the behaviours at the individual level and the consistency of this relation between populations. In contrast to our earlier findings, hatchery grayling appeared on average more aggressive than their wild conspecifics from ...
fidelity rate by directly influencing other related behaviours or physiological processes14. Ambient temperature appears to exert a weaker influence on mate fidelity of females than on males across populations, as males of populations from colder environments exhibit significantly higher mate fidelity rates...
the breeding season in two of the six examined species: Common Pochard and Red-crested Pochard, which is driven by the long-term increase in the number of males in contrast to the decreasing or stable number of females likely caused by different migration behaviours between females and males....
Resink, J.W., Voorthuis, P.K., Van Den Hurk, R., Vullings, H.G.B., andVan Oordt, P.G.W.J.1990. Pheromone detection and olfactory pathways in the brain of the female African catfish,Clarias gariepinus.Cell Tissue Res.256:337–345. ...