29. The framework posits that child survival, growth and development are influenced by a web of factors, with three underlying determinants being food security, healthcare and a healthy environment, and care for children and women25. These underlying determinants are in turn influenced...
These labels are problematic, attaching judgement to body size by assuming that certain behaviours are associated with bodies of each category. People in the “overweight” category, for example, are assumed to over-eat, and under-exercise. This is weight bias. All this to say, you cannot cor...
Normal-weight obesity appears to be an extended diagnosis/syndrome associated with insufficient physical fitness levels and inadequate eating habits at least from school years. However, its relation to long term health parameters in pre-school children remains unknown, even though pre-school age is cr...
No negative or disruptive behaviour was observed for T1 during the ADOS-2; though the mother also reported elevated maladaptive behaviours for T1, particularly on the irritability and hyperactivity domains, these were not as severe as T2. 3.4. DNA Methylation Analysis At the time of recruitment...