As early as during pregnancy, start explaining to your husband about the many benefits of breastfeeding. Make sure to stress its significance to your baby's health as an infant and even on his wellness in the future. Don't forget to mention the advantages that it brings to your family fin...
You should seek medical care and consult your doctor or pediatrician for any specific health or nutrition issues. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment, care, or help because of information you have read on Enfamil....
“What kind of space would make it easy to be with your baby and to sleep with your baby and to not have to run all over the place or to be positioned to hear the baby monitor and still keep your husband or your regular sexual partner or the one you want if you don’t have one?
With my fifth child, I was told to nurse for as long as possible because of his health issues. Since it had been so many years since I’d nursed and I felt that nursing was paramount, I decided to cut to the chase and just get some help. I took advantage of the free breastfeedin...
And here I get convicted. Breastfeeding is just one issue.How many other issues do I hold too closely?I’m passionate about many parenting issues –homeschooling,moms staying home, healthy food…but do I ever make these thingstoo important?I have my own ideas of what “good moms” do,bu...
Now is the time for our health care system to help families get timely breastfeeding support after hospital discharge. If your practice has already implemented a team-based primary and lactation care approach share your story so others know it is possible. If you are interested and trying to ...
From sore nipples to your boobs basically becoming sprinklers, women who have breastfed or are breastfeeding share the things nobody told them would happen before breastfeeding.
Sadly, this debate rages on and has enticed passionate feelings on both sides. I mean, intense feelings ya’ll. People seem to be convinced that the health and wellbeing of the rising generations, the civilization of western culture, the stability of women’s rightsandthe balance of humanity...
Breastfeeding difficulties, ranging from improper techniques to maternal and infant health issues, can undermine a mothers’ confidence in her breastfeeding ability [31]. Early support and education are therefore essential to bolster BFSE, with evidence suggesting that self-efficacy-based interventions ...
ByMonna|Breastfeeding,Natural Health|2 Comments Whether you’re a nursing mom like me or just a busy woman trying to get your list done for the day, it’s likely you don’t get as much sleep as you’d like and start your days feeling like you need a boost. After all, the nice ...