The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between husband's support and the support of health workers with exclusive breastfeeding. The research used observational analytic method with cross sectional research design. The sample in this study were 65 mothers who ...
I sat down to feed Sonny the other day and felt that wave of excitement that comes when you’re close to completing something you set out to do but also couldn’t wait to be over. That much defines my relationship with breastfeeding. And so I’m here today to write about the exciteme...
The 15 Best Sex Toys to Achieve Maximum Pleasure My GF Wants to Bring the Bathroom to the Bedroom Let's Break Down Some Common Sexual Fantasies The New Rules for Having Sex in Post-Roe America My GF's Doomscrolling Is Ruining Our Relationship...
My husband’s family has never been super keen on me breastfeeding(although his immediate family has become more and more open to it over the years!), and I remember actually looking forward to the times my oldest daughter and I had alone in the back room of a relative’s house where ...
While my husband and I were decorating and furnishing the… VIEWthePOST Share 0 BabyBreastfeeding Joovy Feeding Essentials: Must Have’s for The Breastfeeding Mom Posted onAugust 30, 201722 Comments These days, parent shoppers can easily come across a wide… ...
“If you do not feel and experience love for your baby, it is impossible to breastfeed and to have a close and intimate relationship with that child. The sucking on your breast causes changes in your brain, your uterus, your breasts, your heart, and your muscles. The sucking also causes...
I didn’t set out to breastfeed a 4-year-old, I mean Jack, he has a name, his name is Jack. He is a person, he has needs, he is unique and we have a relationship just as you have with your child. But anyway, I didn’t plan this with that nurse. I had no idea what the...
How does the male or husband feel about breast milk flow from the wife at puerperium or breastfeeding? What could be the reason for milk flow during orgasm in this group of women? The perinatal education takes care of reassuring these parents on their sexual relationship with spouse while ...
after fighting tooth and nail to save what seemed like a doomed breastfeeding relationship, I couldn’t imagine why on earth I would ever wean him. My husband took a bit longer to adjust to the idea of coloring so outside the box, but ultimately we both felt that what helps Jack is ...
How Prince Harry & Prince William's Strained Relationship Could Impact the Holidays (Royal Expert) 1:54 Kate Middleton’s Post-Cancer Treatment Engagements Will Be ‘Pared Back,' Royal Expert Says 3:10 Kate Middleton Completes Cancer Treatment, Shares Rare Look at Life With William a...