Epidermal inclusion cyst in male breast: how to differentiate from other male breast lesions. Radiol Case Rep. 2022;17(10):3919–22. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Rahman AN, Shokouh-Amiri M, Wiley E, Green L. Epidermoid Cyst in Male Patient Mimicking a Suspicious Breast ...
Of the benign diagnoses, most were fibrofatty tissue with apocrine metaplasia or stromal sclerosis, 7 were fibroadenomas, 3 were granulomatous inflammatory tissue, and one each neurofibroma, benign reactive lymph node and a ruptured epidermal inclusion cyst. The benign diagnoses were followed up for ...
Epidermal inclusion cysts of the breast: three lesions with calcifications. PURPOSE: To determine whether there are any mammographic and ultrasonographic (US) features of epidermal inclusion cysts of the breast, including heterogen... CM Denison,VL Ward,SC Lester,... - 《Radiology》 被引量: ...
Additionally, since the lesion was not located in the dermis, an epidermal inclusion cyst was ruled out. Our patient had imaging features that were most consistent with a benign simple breast cyst. In a female patient, there would not have been a need for a biopsy given the presence of ...
Among 25 (23.8%) patients with previous histological proven benign findings, 18 were fibroadenoma, one an adenosis, one a cystic fibrosis, one a fibrocystic mastopathy, one a ductal hyperplasia, one a fat necrosis, and two were epidermal inclusion cysts. Two patients also had a history of ...
The inclusion criteria were as follows: absence of contraindication to MRI examinations; MRI scans conducted no more than two weeks prior to surgery intervention; lesions histopathological confirmed post-surgery; no previous biopsy and anti-tumor treatment; and image quality approved as satisfactory (goo...
Epidermal inclusion cyst of the axilla with calcifications 2023, Radiology Case Reports Citation Excerpt : The US can identify and delineate the lesion in the axilla and distinguish the lymph node from other soft tissue masses. The unruptured epidermoid cyst has certain distinctive features in the ...
Boccardo F, Valenti G, Zanardi S, Cerruti G, Fassio T, Bruzzi P, De Franchis V, Barreca A, Del Monte P, Minuto F, 1988 Epidermal growth factor in breast cyst fluid: relationship with intracystic cation and androgen conjugate content Cancer Res 48: 5860–5863 ...
are benign, sincegynaecomastiais by far the most common aetiology. Breast cancers are rare in men, accounting for approximately 1% of cases[1,2]. Otherbreast pathologiesare related to the cutaneous andsubcutaneous tissue(lipoma,fat necrosis, lipomastia, abscess,epidermal inclusion cyst, etc.)[3...
Multiple sebaceous glands were identified within the supporting stroma adjacent to the cyst wall, pathognomic for steatocystoma. CONCLUSION. Steatocystoma multiplex is a benign condition that must be included in the differential diagnosis of eruptive vellus hair cysts, epidermal inclusion cysts, milia...