The MRI demonstrated a well-defined lobulated mass in the right retroauricular region extending to the sternocleidomastoid (SCM). It was hypointense on T1-weighted and hyperintense on T2-weighted images with restricted diffusion and signal dropout in the ADC map. Intraoperatively, an encapsulated, ...
epidermal cystfingershandIntroduction. Intraosseous epidermal inclusion cysts (IEpC) are benign bone lesions lined with squamous epithelium. Finger phalanges are the second most common site of predilection after the skull. Case report. We presented a case of a typical IEpC at the distal phalanx of...
These include mucous cyst, cyst of the canal of Nuck, Bartholin’s cyst, Skene’s duct cyst, epidermal inclusion cyst, lipogenic tumors such as adenolipoma and lipomas; and also endometrioma, post-traumatic hematoma, inguinal hernia and vulvar syringoma, among rarely seen vulvar lesions. ...
The most common cause of a sellar mass is notably pituitary adenoma (84.6%), followed by craniopharyngioma (3.2%), cystic nonneoplastic lesion (2.8%), inflammatory lesion (1.1%), meningioma (0.94%). Epidermoid cysts are benign congenital inclusion cysts that can occur anywhere in the body, ...
An epidermal cyst, also known as an epidermoid cyst or epidermal inclusion cyst, is the most prevalent type of cutaneous cyst. This noncancerous lesion can appear anywhere on the body, typically presenting as an asymptomatic dermal nodule with a visible central punctum. In...
MRIEpidermal inclusion cyst is a common benign soft-tissue lesion of skin. It often presents as a small lesion, but rarely grows to a large mass. We are presenting a giant gluteal epidermal inclusion cyst that grew to an enormous size, masquerading as a large soft-tissue neoplasm. Magnetic ...
epidermal inclusion cystmammographyMRIultrasonographyReine FahedRadiology Breast Imaging Clemenceau Medical Center Beirut LebanonKariman GhazalObstetrics and Gynecology Department, Faculty of Medical Science Lebanese University Beirut LebanonJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdInternational Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics...
We present a case of a large vulval epidermal inclusion cyst, lined by vulval squamous epithelium, in a woman with a background of FGM who was referred with suspected vulval cancer. We discuss the clinical presentation, MRI findings, surgical treatment and outcome....
MRIscanEpidermoid/sebaceous/inclusion epidermal cyst is a common skin lesion which may sometimes mimic a cancerous lesion and appear at abnormal site. Main objective of presenting this case report is to develop the insight that benign looking cutaneous/subcutaneous swellings should never be taken as...
MRI and digital subtraction angiography revealed a hypervascular soft-tissue lesion with venous shunting. The patient underwent pre-operative selective embolization using glue and polyvinylalcohol particle injection. The lesion was identified as an epidermal inclusion cyst, and successful combined embolization...