But things change when you get cancer. They change again when it comes back metastatic. So this is my way to share what's going on in my now-more-complicated life with my friends and family (and anyone else who finds it useful). Search for: Links Article on current and experimental ...
You can view it on the Cancer Council website. It’s strange seeing me totally bald as I’m now used to the soft fluff covering my skull, it feels like so long ago that I was totally bald but it’s really only been a couple of months. Anyway, I agreed to be a media volunteer ...
To those wondering, can I get life insurance if I had breast cancer? If you are in remission, have a very slow-moving stage of breast cancer, and have no other medical issues, you should be able to be approved for term life insurance at the Standard level like Nancy. While this might...
De-escalation of loco-regional treatment in breast cancer: Time to find the balance? Edited by Philip Poortmans University of Antwerp, Antwerpen, Belgium, Maria João Cardoso Champalimaud Clinical Centre, Lisboa, Portugal, Elzbieta Senkus-Konefka Medical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland, Oreste...
In sporadic breast cancer, mutational inactivation of BRCA1/2 is rare, as inactivation requires both gene copies to be mutated or totally deleted. However, non-mutational functional suppression could result from various mechanisms, such as hypermethylation of the BRCA1 promoter or binding of BRCA2 ...
Grocery shopping. Attending church. In the cancer community—specifically the breast cancer community—the insistence that “race has no place in cancer” is another layer of denial. Those who make these claims have never experienced the casual cruelty of a nurse or phlebotomist using a larger ...
Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease, and within the HER-2 positive subtype this is highly exemplified by the presence of substantial phenotypical and clinical heterogeneity, mostly related to hormonal receptor (HR) expression. It is well known how HER-2 positivity is commonly associated with ...
Breastfeeding moms are also less likely to suffer from Type 2 diabetes and some cancers like breast cancer(2). Plus, the closeness that comes with breastfeeding strengthens the bond between a mom and her baby. More Breast, Less Bottle ...
Go shopping for a “right” surgeon. Ina consulted a few surgeons and wanted them to agree to do the following for her: 1. Do a biopsy and a mastectomy at the same time. 2. While lying in the operation theatre, the surgeon would remove the suspected cancerous lump(s). 3. The lump...
Journal of Community Health NursingWoloski Wruble, A,, Alkobi-Kedushim, Y., & Musgrave, C. (1994). Breast cancer prevention education at a shopping center in Israel: A student nurse community health project. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 11, 149-1 54....