e12513#Background:The Breast Cancer Index (BCI) is a gene expression-based biomarker that reports two results: BCI Predictive [BCI (H/I)], which predicts benefit from extended endocrine therapy (EET), and BCI Prognostic, which combines the Molecular Grade Index (MGI) with BCI (H/I) to ...
Breast cancer (BC) occurs when breast cells develop abnormally and grow out of control, forming a malignant tumor that can spread to other parts of the body.[1] BC that started off in the lobules is known as lobular carcinoma, while the one that developed from the ducts is called ductal...
https://www.aafp.org/patient-care/clinical-recommendations/all/breast-cancer-medication.html. Accessed August 2, 2019. USPSTF Evidence Report: Medications for Risk Reduction of Primary Breast Cancer in Women JAMA US Preventive Services Task Force September 3, 2019 This systematic review to support ...
Integrated multiomic profiling of breast cancer in the Chinese population reveals patient stratification and therapeutic vulnerabilitiesYi-Zhou Jiang, Ding Ma, Xi Jin, Yi Xiao, Ying Yu, Jinxiu Shi, Yi-Fan Zhou, Tong Fu, Cai-Jin Lin, Lei-Jie Dai, Cheng-Lin Liu, Shen Zhao,...
Circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) allows tracking of the evolution of human cancers at high resolution, overcoming many limitations of tissue biopsies. However, exploiting ctDNA to determine how a patient’s cancer is evolving in order to aid clinical decisions remains difficult. This is because ctDN...
Relatives are at slightly higher risk if the index patient is diagnosed between the ages of 40 and 49 (first-degree RR = 1.64, P = 0.007; second-degree RR = 1.43, P = 0.02). The excess of cancers, including breast cancers, is not limited to a few high-risk families, but appears ...
Classification of Breast Cancer According to ERBB2 Immunohistochemistry Scores JAMA Oncology Comment & Response September 1, 2023 See More About Breast Cancer Cancer Biomarkers Women's Health Cancer Genetics Oncology Trending ERBB2-Low Breast Cancer JAMA Oncology Patient Information February 23, 2023 Agent...
Advanced breast cancers represent a major therapeutic challenge due to their refractoriness to treatment. Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) are the most abundant constituents of the tumor microenvironment and have been linked to most hallmarks of canc
Genome-wide association studies have identified breast cancer risk variants in over 150 genomic regions, but the mechanisms underlying risk remain largely unknown. These regions were explored by combining association analysis with in silico genomic featu
A systematic assessment of benefits and risks to guide breast cancer screening decisions. JAMA. 2014;311(13):1327-1335.PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 12. Jin J. JAMA patient page: breast cancer screening: benefits and harms. JAMA. 2014;312(23):2585.PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 13. ...