威斯康星州乳腺癌数据集是scikitlearm(skleam)库中-一个常用的内置数据集,用于分类任务。该数据集包含了从乳腺癌患者收集的肿瘤特征的测量值,以及相应的良性(benign)或恶性(malignant)标签。以下是对该数据集的简单介绍: 数据集名称:威斯康星州乳腺癌数据集(BreastCancerWisconsinDataset) 数据集来源:数据集最初由威斯康...
breastcancer-wisconsin.names2021-02-275.52KB 文档 Breast Cancer Dataset乳腺癌数据集1.OverviewFeatures are computed from a digitized image of a fine needle aspirate (FNA) of a breast mass. They describe characteristics of the cell nuclei present in the image. A few of the images can be found ...
Breast Cancer(肯特岗生物医学数据集--乳腺癌)数据摘要:Patients outcome prediction for breast cancer. The training data contains 78 patient samples, 34 of which are from patients who had developed distance metastases within 5 years (labelled as "relapse"), the rest 44 samples are from patients who...
Breast Cancer(肯特岗生物医学数据集--乳腺癌) 数据摘要: Patients outcome prediction for breast cancer. The training data contains 78 patient samples, 34 of which are from patients who had developed distance metastases within 5 years (labelled as relapse), the rest 44 samples are from patients who...
Breast Cancer Cell Segmentation 58 histopathological images with expert annotations 乳腺癌细胞分割 58张带有专家注释的组织病理学图像 在该数据集中,有58个H&E染色的组织病理学图像用于乳腺癌细胞检测,并提供了相关的地面真实数据。 1. Overview In this dataset, there are 58 H&E stained histopathology images ...
乳腺癌预测-EDA-Models breast-cancer-dataset.csv 研究假设:本研究假设患者的诊断特征之间存在显着关联,包括年龄、绝经状态、肿瘤大小、侵入性淋巴结的存在、受影响的乳房、转移状态、乳房象限、乳房状况病史及其乳房癌症诊断结果。数据收集和描述:213 名患者观察数据的数据集是从卡拉巴尔大学教学医院癌症登记处获得的,历...
Breast Cancer Dataset乳腺癌数据集-数据集 Breast Cancer Dataset is provided by University of Wisconsin.本数据集由威斯康星大学提供。 breastcancer_unformatted-data breastcancer_unformatted-data.data breastcancer_wdbc.data breastcancer_wdbc.names breastcancer_wpbc.names breastcancer-wisconsin.data breastcancer...
BreastCancerWisconsin(Diagnostic)DataSet((诊断) 数据集) 数据摘要: DiagnosticWisconsinBreastCancerDatabase 中文关键词: 机器学习,多变量,分类,UCI,威斯康星,乳腺癌, 英文关键词: MachineLearning,MultiVarite,Classification,UCI,Breast Cancer,Wisconsin, 数据格式: ...
Ultrasound; Breast cancer; Medical images; Dataset; Deep learning; Classification; Segmentation; Detection; 机译:超声;乳腺癌;医学图像;数据集;深度学习;分类;分割;检测; 入库时间 2022-08-21 11:37:49 相似文献 外文文献 中文文献 专利 1. Dataset of breast ultrasound images [J] . Walid Al-Dha...
直接将这些策略应用到数据集(如breakhis)不可避免地会导致信息丢失和/或高计算成本。相比之下,我们的方法不直接从breakhis数据集访问原始图像,而是通过坐标自动选择关键区域,以节省计算成本并将细节保存在图像中。 B. Histopathological Image Classification 特征工程是实现多类乳腺癌精确分类的主要问题。张等。【23】...