威斯康星州乳腺癌数据集是scikitlearm(skleam)库中-一个常用的内置数据集,用于分类任务。该数据集包含了从乳腺癌患者收集的肿瘤特征的测量值,以及相应的良性(benign)或恶性(malignant)标签。以下是对该数据集的简单介绍: 数据集名称:威斯康星州乳腺癌数据集(BreastCancerWisconsinDataset) 数据集来源:数据集最初由威斯康...
Breast Cancer Dataset is provided by University of Wisconsin.本数据集由威斯康星大学提供。 数据列表 数据名称上传日期大小下载 breastcancer_unformatted-data2021-02-2720.86KB breastcancer_unformatted-data.data2021-02-2743.20KB breastcancer_wdbc.data2021-02-27121.19KB ...
数据集:乳腺癌数据集(from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer)。 (1)将样本集划分为70%的训练集,30%作为测试集,分别用逻辑回归算法和KNN算法(需要先对数据进行标准化)建模(不指定参数),输出其测试结果的混淆矩阵,计算其准确率、查全率和假正率。 (2)利用搜索网格,分别确定逻辑回归及KNN模型的最优参数。
The dataset provide data of two formats, one comes from the raw data which is available for download in Winzip or Excel format, and the other is transformed into the standard .data and .names format and stored in the repository.中文关键词:乳腺癌,预测,复发,DNA微阵列分析,基因表达,英文关键...
BreastCancer,Wisconsin, 数据格式: TEXT 数据用途: Classification 数据详细介绍: BreastCancerWisconsin(Original)DataSet Abstract:OriginalWisconsinBreastCancerDatabase DataSet Characteristics: Multivariate Numberof Instances: 699Area:Life Attribute Characteristics: Integer Numberof Attributes: 10 Date Donated 1992-07...
(labelled as non-relapse). Correspondingly, there are 12 relapse and 7 non-relapse samples in the testing data set. The number of genes is 24481. We replaced NaN symbol in original ratio data with 100.0. The dataset provide data of two formats, one comes from the raw data which is ...
Regression 数据详细介绍: BreastCancerWisconsin(Prognostic)DataSet Abstract:PrognosticWisconsinBreastCancerData DataSet Characteristics: Multivariate Numberof Instances: 198Area:Life Attribute Characteristics: Real Numberof Attributes: 34 Date Donated 1995-12-01 AssociatedTasks: Classification, Regression Missing ...
Breast Cancer,prediction,relapse,DNA microarray analysis,gene expression, 数据格式: TEXT 数据用途: The gene expression profile will outperform all currently used clinical parameters in predicting outcome of disease. The data provided a novel strategy to select patients who would benefit from adjuvant the...
机器学习_Breast Cancer(肯特岗生物医学数据集--乳腺癌)介绍.pdf,Breast Cancer(肯特岗生物医学数据集--乳腺癌) 数据摘要: Patients outcome prediction for breast cancer. The training data contains 78 patient samples, 34 of which are from patients who had develo
Breast Cancer Cell Segmentation 58 histopathological images with expert annotations 乳腺癌细胞分割 58张带有专家注释的组织病理学图像 在该数据集中,有58个H&E染色的组织病理学图像用于乳腺癌细胞检测,并提供了相关的地面真实数据。 1. Overview In this dataset, there are 58 H&E stained histopathology images ...