Break and Continue in While Loop You can also usebreakandcontinuein while loops: Break Example inti =0; while(i <10) { cout << i <<"\n"; i++; if(i ==4) { break; } } Try it Yourself » Continue Example inti =0;
c 语言中循环语句有 3 种:while();do while();for;且 3 种循环都可以使用 continue 和 break 语句对于continue语句,执行到该语句时,会跳过本次迭代的剩余部分,并开始下一轮迭代;但是若 continue 语句在嵌套循环的内部,则只会影响包含该语句(即 continue 语句)的内层循环(即内层循环的后面的语句不会被执行,而...
而continue和break语句可以根据循环体内部的测试结果来忽略一部分循环内容,甚至结束循环。 c 语言中循环语句有 3 种:while;do while;for;且 3 种循环都可以使用 continue 和 break 语句 对于continue语句,执行到该语句时,会跳过本次迭代的剩余部分,并开始下一轮迭代;但是若 continue 语句在嵌套循环的内部,则只会...
Let’s take a look at the example: First you must always initialize the counter before the while loop starts ( counter = 1). Then the while loop will run if the variable counter is smaller then the variable “howmuch”. If the input is ten, then 1 through 10 will be printed on the...
而break 在多重嵌套的while语句中 代码语言:javascript 复制 #include<stdio.h>//break在while多重嵌套中的使用效果intmain(){//initializeint tmp=0,loop=0;puts("multiple while nesting");//the first layer whilewhile(loop<=2){loop++;puts(" in the first layer while");//the second layer whilewh...
The break statement, like in C, breaks out of the innermost enclosing for or while loop.Python中断语句与C语言类似,打破了最小封闭for或while循环。Loop statements may have an else clause; it is executed when the loop terminates through exhaustion of the list (with for) or when the condition ...
Break and continue are control flow statements used in looping statements like ‘for’, ‘while’, or ‘do-while’ to alter the flow of execution of a loop inside a program. These statements are also known as jump statements, as they are used to jump in and out of the loop. ...
这将使break语句找不到正确的循环体,从而引发错误:break statement not within loop or switch。这是因为break语句只能在for循环或其他控制结构中使用,而在没有正确嵌套的循环中,break将无法找到有效的循环体。初始化表达式通常用于给循环变量赋值,例如初始化为0。条件表达式是一个逻辑表达式,用于判断...
Whereas, the continue statement causes the next iteration of the enclosing for, while, or do loop to begin. The continue statement in while and do loops takes the control to the loop's test-condition immediately, whereas in the for loop it takes the control to the increment step of the ...
C 运行时库 (CRT) 参考 下载PDF 使用英语阅读 保存 添加到集合 添加到计划 通过 共享LinkedIn电子邮件 打印 项目 2024/08/03 8 个参与者 反馈 本文内容 语法 请参阅 break语句将终止执行其所在位置最接近的外围do、for、switch或while语句。 控制权将传递给已终止语句后面的语句。