这首诗是英国维多利亚时代诗人阿尔弗雷德·丁尼生(Alfred, Lord Tennyson)的作品,写于1834年,发表于1842年,以表达对早逝挚友亚瑟·亨利·哈勒姆(Arthur Henry Hallam)的悼念。在这首诗中,“break”既有海浪拍击岩石、浪花四溅的意思,也隐含了诗人因挚友英年早逝而悲痛心碎(heartbreak)的双关意义。 如果你对这首诗的...
Break, break, break,碎裂!啊,大海的波涛 On thy cold grey stones, O Sea!在灰冷的危岩上崩溃,碎裂! And I would that my tongue could utter但愿我胸中涌起的思情 The thoughts that arise in me.能在舌端倾泻。 O well for the fisherman's boy,嬉戏的渔家儿女 That he shouts with his sister at...
Break, Break, BreakAlfred Tennyson Break, break, break, On thy cold gray stones, O Sea! And I would that my tongue could utter The thoughts that arise in me. O, well for the fisherman's boy, Tha…
BREAKAlfred Tennyson 《Break,Break,Break》这首诗是英国诗人丁尼生于1834年为悼念英年早逝的朋友哈勒姆而创作的。该诗的主要特点是节奏快、爆破多,是诗歌形式和内容结合的典范。完美体现了诗歌的韵律之美、音…
(doc) 评Break,Break,Break两种译文的翻译风格 热度: 浅析丁尼生诗歌 Break,Break,Break 热度: break用法小结 break up 和break down区别 热度: 相关推荐 Break,break,break AlfredTennyson 丁尼生(AlfredTennyson) (1809-1892),维多利亚时期代表诗人,主要作品有诗集《悼念集》、 独白诗剧《莫德》、长诗《国王...
摘要: 飞白 译 Break, break, break, On thy cold gray stones, O Sea! And I would that my tongue could utter The thoughts that arise in me. O well for the fisherman's boy, That he shouts for his sister at play! O well for the sailor lad, ...
朗诵者: 晚枫(QUN GRACE LIU),原北京语言学院英语教师,自由翻译,爱好诗歌创作与翻译。现居加拿大。 书法分享: 书法者: 王琳:本科,英语翻译,2017年建公益英语读书会,现居住温哥华。 Break, Break, Break Alfred Tennyson Break, break, break, On thy cold gray stones, O Sea!
tennyson <break break break> It clearly shows that man passes away so quickly but the scene of nature remains the same. In this poem the poet mourns the death of a dear friend who will never come back. He depicts the picture of sea and its waves constantly striking against ...