This paper traces the history of the song "Bread and Roses" to examine labor culture and the role of song in the labor movement. In the late 1930s and early 1940s, "Bread and Roses" was included in several of the first generation song books produced by unions that reflected an expansive...
"Bread and Roses" is a journeyman drama at best which centers on the plight of an illegal Mexican alien, Maya (Padilla), and her struggle to help a union organize the janitorial laborers in a Los Angeles office building. The film is ill-focused, a tad soapy, plays to the viscera, and...
Jan. 12 was the anniversary of the start of the 1912 Bread and Roses strike--one of the most significant struggles in the history of the U.S. working class--in Lawrence, Mass. A new state law had reduced the work week from 56 to 54 hours. A small gain for workers? Sounds like it...
Issues associated with the history of popular education; Common focus of government interest in adult learning; Impact of an emphasis on linear progression routes, participation rates and accreditation mechanisms on the learning system in...
Bread & Roses (1993)Bread & Roses (1993) 92 min - Adventure | Biography | Drama | War 7.4/10 Summarises the early life of politician Sonja Davies. Sonja is a young independent socialist embarking on a career in nursing during World War 2. Director: Gaylene Preston Stars: Geneviève...
the weariness of the self: diagnosing the history of depression in the contemporary age:depression: the treatment and management of depression in adults. neuroses, disorders arising from psychological conflict and the bread and butter conditions of psychoanalysis, had figured prominently in the previous...
All the adoration, the glamour, the high life was, for Callas, a purposeful life of bread and roses. FromLos Angeles Times She also said she would not touch bread if "it is moist". FromBBC She added that she would "not touch bread if it's moist". ...
'Bread and Roses', directed by Sahra Mani, gives never-before-seen access to life for Afghan women in Taliban controlled Kabul.
Marc RibotchApter 6days ofbRead and RosesThree years ago, I submitted an article toAll about Jazz, entitled “The Careand Feeding of a Musical Margin.” The article examined the trend of clubclosures, downsizings, moves to Brooklyn, and other forms of marginaliza-tion that were, and still...
“A crust of bread and a corner to sleep in, “面包一片,偏居一隅 UN-2 I love your banana bread. 我 稀飯 你做的 香蕉 麵包 OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Even in Britain bread was to be rationed for the first time in the nation’s history.” 甚至英国也要配给面包,在该国历史上还是...