It was our anniversary, and the food/staff was INCREDIBLE. Possibly the best food we had anywhere all trip. Okay, that’s all for now. We’ll write a proper post or two while we’re trapped (yes, trapped) on the boat this week, and then post as soon as we get back in the good...
Just last month, my husband (we’ll call him MB) and I were in Paris during the train (SNCF) strikes. During this strike something like 2 out of every 3 trains was cancelled and we arrived at the Paris Gare de Lyon to find that our train back to Grenoble had been one of the unlu...
Are GMOs all sunshine and roses? Of course not. I do believe GM technology is more predictable than mutagenesis (which is allowed under organic rules). I also notice that crops that use GM technology to become drought resistant are pretty helpful. I have to wonder why so many people from...