[3]Oh M, Alkhushaym N, Fallatah S, et al. The association of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations with prostate cancer risk, frequency, and mortality: A meta-analysis. Prostate. 2019;79(8):880-895. doi:10.1002/pros.23795 [4]Hu C, Hart SN, Polley EC, et al. Association Between Inherited Ge...
Castro E, Eeles R: The role of BRCA1 and BRCA2 in prostate cancer. Asian J Androl 14: 409-414, 2012Castro E, Eeles R. The role of BRCA1 and BRCA2 in prostate cancer. Asian J Androl 2012;14:409-14.Castro E,Eeles R.The role of BRCA1and BRCA2in prostate cancer. Asian ...
BRCA1 and BRCA2 pathogenic variants (PVs) are associated with prostate cancer (PCa) risk, but a wide range of relative risks (RRs) has been reported. We systematically searched PubMed, Embase, MEDLINE and Cochrane Library in June 2021 for studies that es
与BRCA2相比,BRCA1的rPFS、PFS2和OS也有一致的趋势。 Olmos博士总结:“我们的研究表明,BRCA1/2胚系和体细胞突变与较短的rPFS、PFS2和OS有关,与初始治疗选择无关。BRCA1/2突变患者的预后比非BRCA突变HRR亚组患者更差。我们需要更好地了解某些HRR基因的特殊作用,这些基因可能有助于预后。” 结论 参考文献: [1]...
该项研究结果表明,帕米帕利作为一种单药治疗存在恶性生殖系、BRCA1/2基因突变或HRD(43分)的mCRPC患者具有显著的抗肿瘤活性。 参考文献 1.Zhao D,et al.A phase II single-arm, open-label trial of pamiparib in metastatic ...
BRCA1/2基因胚系突变起源于生殖细胞,可显著增加乳腺癌、卵巢癌以及其他相关肿瘤的发病风险;BRCA1/2基因的体细胞突变主要存在于肿瘤细胞中。 BRCA1/2基因变异状态在相关肿瘤(卵巢癌、乳腺癌、胰腺癌、前列腺癌等)的遗传风险评估、治疗选择、预后判断等方面都具有...
this article mainly discusses and analyzes the related studies of brca1 and brca2 mutations in prostate cancer.key words brca1 brca2 prostate cancerfirst-authors address: the fifth affiliated hospita 5、l of zhengzhou university, zhengzhou 450052, china前列腺癌(prostate cancer,pca)是男性最常見的第...
prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, and breast cancer in males. There has also been a rapid expansion of US Food and Drug Administration–approved targeted cancer therapies, including poly ADP ribose polymerase (PARP) inhibitors, for breast, pancreatic, and prostate cancers associated withBRCA1/2PVs...
BRCA2 PV carriers were at greater risk of developing breast cancer (OR, 5.47) prostate cancer (OR, 1.39), and pancreatic cancer (OR, 3.00). However, they had a significantly lower probability of colorectal cancer (OR, 0.47). "These data will help to optimize medical care in male BRCA1 ...
对于前列腺癌患者(Prostate Cancer),转移性的前列腺癌或高级别前列腺癌患者(Gleason score ≥ 8)应考虑BRCA1/2检测;与≤50岁诊断为卵巢癌或乳腺癌的患者有血缘关系;≥2个亲属患有乳腺癌,胰腺癌或前列腺癌,都应考虑进行BRCA1/2检测。 对于胰腺癌患者(Pancreatic Cancer),BRCA1/2检测应该考虑那些拥有德系犹太血统的...