were predicted as the potential candidates for white flower inB.juncea. However, none of white flower genes has been cloned yet, and the molecular mechanism of white flower formation remains poorly understood inB.rapa.
Figure 6 The yields of winterBrassica rapa, springBrassica rapa, springBrassica napusand flax at different locations. Zhangye city is located in the west of Gansu Province, and Lintao County is located in the central part of Gansu Province. Bars with different lower case letters indicate signific...
Genome Biology (2021) 22:140 https://doi.org/10.1186/s13059-021-02358-3 RESEARCH Open Access Embryo CHH hypermethylation is mediated by RdDM and is autonomously directed in Brassica rapa Tania Chakraborty1, Timmy Kendall1, Jeffrey W. Grover2 and Rebecca A. Mosher1* * Correspondence: rmosher...
The family contains well-known species, such as Brassica oleracea, Brassica rapa, Brassica napus, Raphanus sativus, Armoracia rusticana, Arabidopsis thaliana, and many others. The antibacterial activities of ethanol extracts of B. oleracea L. var. italica was reported active against S. aureus, B...
rapa crops breeding for artificial light culture include a high growth rate (the duration of vegetative period is not more than 28-35 days, depending on the biological characteristics of the crop), the yield is not less than 3-8 kg/m 2 , depending on crops, a certain compact plant habit...
The genetic diversity values of hexaploid Brassica were followed by amphidiploid ( B. napus, B. juncea, B. carinata ) and diploid ( B. oleracea, B. rapa ) species, respectively.doi:10.3923/jbs.2004.234.238Rahman Md. MukhlesurHirata Yutaka...
Genetic variation within Brassica rapa cultivars using SDS PAGE for seed protein and isozyme analysis. J. Biol.Sci. 4, 2004, 239-242.R.M. Mukhlesur, Y. Hirata and S.E. Alam, Genetic variation within Brassica rapa cultivars using SDS-PAGE for seed protein and isozyme analysis, Journal of...
Many plants associate with endophytic microbes that improve root phosphorus (P) uptake. Understanding the interactions between roots and endophytes can enable efforts to improve P utilization. Here, we characterize the interactions between lateral roots
, Brassica napus (i.e. rapeseed and leaf rape), and Brassica rapa (i.e. turnip, Chinese cabbage, pak choi…), being mainly cultivated in temperate regions of the Northern H emisphere1. Kale, B. oleracea var. acephala, is a leafy vegetable which has gained a great popularity as ...
SCIENTIFIC DATA | 2:150072 | DOI: 10.1038/sdata.2015.72 2 www.nature.com/sdata/ Accession name Genotype Code Form Mother Father Resyn-Go S4 PBY021 Synthetic B. rapa ssp.rapa B.oleracea convar. acephala G 50 PBY031 Synthetic B. oleracea conv. acephala var. gongyloides B. rapa ssp. ...