As you brake to a halt, simultaneously ease off the pedal so your car decelerates less and less. Time it right and you will stop braking entirely just as the car halts entirely. Unless your riders are looking out the window, they won't realize that the car has actually stopped. (This ...
I know I'm supposed to count up my blessings and stuff, and I have a lot of them, but everyone is doing a TV meme and that sounds like my kind of distraction. So here's what I watched in 2013 (and may or may not continue watching in 2014).(also, holy shit that is a long ...
“I stopped working—I was literally running out the backdoor.” Now, gecs are at another pivot point. The pressure from Atlantic has been largely minimal, as has its input into their music. But there’s an expectation coded into signing with a major label. Can their new album emerge as...
An antimeme is an idea with self-censoring properties; an idea which, by its intrinsic nature, discourages or prevents people from spreading it. Mar 2023 What's Our Next Fight discusses the battle for freedom in technology, despite winning the battle for Linux ...
An epileptic watching Laura Posted onJune 10, 2022byBrick Wahl Watching Laura for the zillionth time and Waldo Lydecker just had his seizure. I hope, says a recovered Clifton Webb to a radiantly overbit Gene Tierney, you’ll forgive my wee touch of epilepsy, my dear. Clifton Webb could ...
Have you seen that meme? It captures my feelings towards birthmothers in general, and Patrick’s birthparents in particularly so perfectly. I feel it to the core of my being. It also only captures a fraction of the unrepayable debt of gratitude that I owe as a mother. Another child was...
Here is an example of a meme I will attempt to emulate in Keynote. What you’ll see below is a pro-user’s After Effects tutorial using a parallax effect to create movement on a still photo. The effect is seen in the first minute or so and the rest of the video is the “How to...