development of mouse and human brains15,18, as well as extensive chromatin conformational diversity across brain regions and cell types in the adult human brain19. However, the dynamic trajectory of DNA methylation and chromatin conformation changes have not been characterized with single-cell resolutio...
Foxp1, a gene for a CA1-specific transcription factor29, has chromosome loops surrounding its gene body in CA1 but not DG (Fig.4g, h). eDMRs and open chromatin were observed at these loop anchors. Notably, three loops in CA1 anchored at the TSS of the same transcript of...
This method does not consider eye-blinking or small-amplitude contamination [93,94]. Conse- quently, an independent-component analysis (ICA) decomposition method based on the Blind Source Separation technique was used. Motor Imagery Classification Based on Sorted Blind Source Separation, Continuous ...