The proposed deep network performs brain parcellation at each scale simultaneously (multi-task), where parcellation at fine scale is under the constraint of large scales. In addition, we also present a new focal region based auxiliary network, which focuses on the brain regions difficult to be ...
2), with our method producing less noisy spatial parcellation. Our evaluation suggests that the model can learn robust nonlinear low-dimensional features from complex and noisy imaging data, while accurately predicting those features from short transients, even for the highly heterogeneous brain tissue....
The processing pipeline included skull stripping, nonlinear registration, subcortical segmentation, cortical surface reconstruction, and parcellation42,43,44,45. The output of the automated processes was visually inspected for obvious errors. Instead of manually correcting for the errors, 15 subjects were ...
Wu, Zhengwang, et al. "Registration-Free Infant Cortical Surface Parcellation Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks." International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention. Springer, Cham, 2018. image.png 2. Landmark-based Deep Multi-task Multi-channel Learning Liu,...
python net_segment inference -c ~/niftynet/extensions/highres3dnet_brain_parcellation/highres3dnet_config_eval.ini 1. 来运行网络 主流程 进入 进入niftynet.main() 获取用户参数 *1 参数更新 更新模型路径 将参数打印出并写入模型路径下的settings_inference.txt ...
python net_segment inference -c ~/niftynet/extensions/highres3dnet_brain_parcellation/highres3dnet_config_eval.ini 来运行网络 主流程 进入 进入niftynet.main() 获取用户参数 *1 参数更新 更新模型路径 将参数打印出并写入模型路径下的settings_inference.txt ...
Brain parcellation from volumetric medical images, especially 3D magnetic resonance (MR) images, is a prerequisite for quantifying the structural volumes. It is of great significance on diagnosis, progression assessment, and treatment of a wide range of neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia and Al...
generative models for super-resolving a low-resolution (LR) brain connectome at a higher resolution (HR) (i.e., adding new graph nodes/edges) remains unexplored although this would circumvent the need for costly data collection and manual labelling of anatomical brain regions (i.e. parcellation...
Department of Psychiatry, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich,GermanyAbstractSegmentationand parcellation of the brain has been widely performed onbrain MRI using atlas-based methods. However, segmentation of the claus-trum, a thin and sheet-like structure between insular cortex ...
V2.0 (Wang et al., 2023), typically involve multiple steps (Fig. 1):inhomogeneity correction, skull stripping, tissue segmentation, hemisphere separation, subcorticalf illing, topology correction, surface reconstruction, anatomical feature computation, spherical map-ping, registration, and parcellation. ...