视频地址: Physics-Informed Deep learning(物理信息深度学习) 拿斧子的白熊 粉丝:33文章:2 关注前5分钟的引入要记一下,关于pinn和数值计算的有点。 15:00inductive bias 这里没看懂是什么意思。通过设计特殊的神经网络,让网络满足硬的边界条件。比如迪利克雷条件和周期条件。 流场 能推出压力场吗 数据计...
This PhD is part of the IMITATION (Image interpretation by taught simulation) project that explores the interplay between physics-based simulations and deep learning. X-ray and neutron imaging are becoming invaluable tools for the non-destructive visualization of the internal structure and compositio...
1月25日,南京理工大学光电信息科学与工程学院左超教授,陈钱教授,冯世杰副教授,胡岩副教授,香港大学电气电子工程系林彥民教授等组成的团队,在期刊 Opto-Electronic Advances 发表题为 Physics-informed deep learning for fringe pattern analysis 的论文。
使用主动学习排除非物理的参数空间 hahakity @ ccnu 今天介绍一篇文章,使用主动学习(active learning)方法排除非物理的参数空间。 文章题目: Mapping out the thermodynamic stability of a QCD equation of state with a… hahakity 物理信息机器学习求解PDE家族:PICN卷积网络 十四月的日...发表于十四月的日...打...
这本书的名字Physics-based Deep Learning,基于物理的深度学习,表示“物理建模和数值模拟”与“基于人工神经网络的方法”的组合。目的是利用强大的数值技术上,并在任何可能的地方使用这些技术。因此,本书的一个中心目标是,协调以数据为中心的观点与物理模拟之间的关系。由此产生的新方法具有巨大的潜力,可以改进传统...
Github正在快速加星的Physics-based Deep Learning新书,“基于物理的深度学习”(PBDL),即物理建模和深度学
The framework combines deep learning and physics-based performance models. • Deep neural networks are trained with physics-augmented features for RUL prediction. • Framework evaluated on the new CMPASS aero-engine degradation dataset. • The proposed framework outperforms equivalent purely data-dr...
Values of physical variables that represent a first state of a first physical system are estimated using a deep learning (DL) algorithm that is trained based on values of physical variables that represent states of other physical systems that are determined by one or more physical equations and ...
读论文 DeepMimic: Example-Guided Deep Reinforcement Learning of Physics-Based Character Skills 笔记 一、 文章概览 1.1 动作模仿 1.2 洞见 1.2.1 参考状态初始化(Reference State Initialization,RSI)...
So there was a factor of 100,and that's the point at which is was easy to use, because computers were just getting faster. Over the past several decades, you've invented so many pieces of neural networks and deep learning.I'm actually curious, of all of the things you've invented,wh...