Individual differences in brain development can be related to psychological differences. For example, researchers have related measures of intelligence to patterns of cortical thickening and thinning in certain brain areas (including parts of the prefrontal cortex) during childhood and adolescence. What are...
The current generation of adolescents grows up in a media-saturated world. However, it is unclear how media influences the maturational trajectories of brain regions involved in social interactions. Here we review the neural development in adolescence and show how neuroscience can provide a deeper und...
The article discusses the five stages of the development of the brain. The brain's ages include gestation, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age. Throughout a person's life his brain undergoes more changes than any other part of the body. Each of these changes profoundly affects his ...
This development coincides with puberty when hormones shape behavior through adolescence into adulthood – creating an exciting period for the brain’s developmental transition from childhood towards full maturity. Adult Brain Development As adults age beyond their twenties, their brains begin to shrink ...
Cognitive DevelopmentInterpersonal CompetenceDevelopmental StagesBrain Hemisphere Functions— Adolescence is a time characterized by change—hormonally, physically, and mentally. We now know that some brain areas, particularly the frontal cortex, continue to develop well beyond childhood. There are two main ...
spectrum disorders (ASD) [84], attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) [85], and early-onset obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) [86]. In contrast, there is a sharp rise in female-biased risk for depression [87], anxiety [88] and eating disorders [89] in adolescence, and of ...
Sex differences in human brain anatomy have been well-documented, though remain significantly underexplored during early development. The neonatal period is a critical stage for brain development and can provide key insights into the role that prenatal a
in males and females and how the effects that sex determination through development have on gene expression, metabolism, growth, immune function, and homeostatic responses to stressors that we can hope to recognize and anticipate the effects of sex in cancer diagnosis and therapeutic responses. We ...
In particular, women are twice as likely to develop anxiety and depression across the lifespan compared to men [1,2,3,4]. This difference arises after puberty [4, 5], suggesting the involvement of sex-specific factors in the development of such disorders [6]. To identify these factors, ...
Pubertal development and behavior: Hormonal activation of social and motivational tendencies Adolescence is a time of dramatic changes including rapid physical growth, the onset of sexual maturation, the activation of new drives and motivations, an... Erika E. Forbes a b,Ronald E. Dahl a c - ...