Therefore, the current study will examine all domains of executive function and brain development in detail in a large sample of children and adolescents with CHD and healthy control children.A total of 192 children and adolescents with CHD aged 10-15 years, who participated in prospective cohort...
The current generation of adolescents grows up in a media-saturated world. However, it is unclear how media influences the maturational trajectories of brain regions involved in social interactions. Here we review the neural development in adolescence and show how neuroscience can provide a deeper und...
"In this study, we found that the pattern of development (such as changes inbrain structurebetween ages twelve to sixteen) in several keybrain regionsdiffered between depressed and non-depressedadolescents," Professor Allen said. The brain regions involved include areas associated with the experience ...
Between approximately ages of 13 and 16 years, TD adolescents show changes in three selected networks (central executive, salience, and default mode) that are consistent with expected maturational changes. Such changes are not seen in teens with ASDs. More remarkably, the developmental increase in ...
Recent research has revealed differences in brain development and structure between adolescents and adults; these differences translate into very different ways of approaching problems, making decisions, and judging risk and reward. This article reviews brain development and risk-taking behaviors in ...
The research reviewed above demonstrates adolescents’ brains and cognition are in a state of flux. Studies in adults have shown that training interventions can lead to changes in behaviour, brain function, and brain structure [49]. Animals studies indicate that mechanisms of neural plasticity, imple...
Scientists from the Institute of Science and Technology for Brain-inspired Intelligence of Fudan University have discovered that the abnormal volume of putamen, a subcortical brain area, in adolescents indicates a higher possibility of the development of schizophrenia after adulthood. ...
With the challenges of raising an adolescent, parenting can be difficult for many. You may decide to seek out the guidance of a trained therapist for further resources and support as you learn more about your child's mental, physical, and emotional development. ...
The brain's "reward system," those brain circuits and structures that mediate the experience and pursuit of pleasure, figured prominently in several studies. The studies shed light on adolescents' ability to control impulsivity and think through problems
Adolescents have always been known to do wild, even dangerous, things. This was thought to be due to the "foolishness of youth." Now, brain-imaging technology allows scientists to study the physical development of the brain in more detail than ever before. Their discoveries have led to a ...