Uses of solid acid catalyst; Why Showa Denko has disclosed the development of a direct route to ethyl acetate; Claims of BP to be the world's largest producer of ethyl acetate.Rotman, DavidChemical Week
mixture of 1 volume of 18M ammonia, 30 volumes of chloroform and 70 volumes of ethyl acetate ...
Carry out the method for thin-layer chromatography, Appendix III A, using silica gel GF254 as the coating substance and a mixture of 20 volumes of 1M acetic acid , 30 volumes of methanol and 50 volumes of ethyl acetate as the mobile phase. Heat the plate at 105° for 30 minutes before...
水溶解性Soluble in ethanol, acetone, ethyl acetate, chloroform and water. Slightly soluble in benzene. 敏感性Hygroscopic Merck14,3415 BRN3922742 CAS 数据库538-71-6(CAS DataBase Reference) EPA化学物质信息1-Dodecanaminium, N,N-dimethyl-N-(2-phenoxyethyl)-, bromide(538-71-6) ...
英文别名Polybutyleneglycol bis(4-benzoylphenoxy)acetate Poly(ethyleneglycol) bis(p-dimethylamino benzoate) Poly(oxy-1,4-butanediyl), alpha-((4-benzoylphenoxy)acetyl)-o... Di-esterofcarboxymethoxy-benzophenoneandpolytetramethyleneglycol250 α-[(4-Benzoylphenoxy)-acetyl]-ω-[[4-benzoylphenoxy)-acetyl...
INEOS today announced it has reached an agreement to acquire the Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) and Ethyl Acetate (EtAc) businesses from BP. The deal comprises 500ktpa of production capacity at the Saltend manufacturing site near Hull, UK, along with the Teesside to Saltend Ethylene Pipeli...
双氯芬酸钠栓BP Diclofenac Sodium General Notices (Ph Eur monograph 1002)
琥乙红霉素 Erythromycin ethylsuccinate 质量规格:potency>765 μg of erythromycin (C37H67NO13) per mg,USP35 RHO蛋白表达ELISA定量检测试剂盒25 布洛芬 Ibuprofen 质量规格:>99%,BP/USP RHO蛋白共沉淀分析试剂盒5 布洛芬(标准品) Ibuprofen 质量规格:HPLC>98%,标准品 Ricinuscommunisagglinin,RCAELISAKit蓖麻凝集...
化学品和试剂的新目录 药典产品,Pharmpur®-符合药典标准的产品 < 返回 乙酸乙酯, Pharmpur®, Ph Eur, BP, NF 容量货号 x 2,5 lAC01432500
异丁酰乙酸乙酯Ethyl isobutyrylacetate,95% 7152-15-0 5G通用试剂 吡罗红GS Nc 一次性帽子10毫克保存-20℃ 9003-20-7聚乙酸酯POLY(VINYL ACETATE) COOMASSIEBRILLIANTBLUEG-250考马斯亮兰G-250蛋白组学级50G6104-58-1RT 营养琼脂Nutrient Broth Null 250G培养基 ...