but she goes cold when they tell her there was a problem in production and they need another week. The maid is so frightened that she accidentally spills hot tea on Diana’s gloved hand.
Does your boyfriend love arthouse movies like Breathless, The 400 Blows, and The Seven Samurai? Would it just *kill* him that we called these movies and not films? A subscription to MUBI would be a great gift for him. MUBI is a streaming service that features Hollywood classics, essential...
“Hey, hot girl behind you dude don’t turn around” I can’t tell you how many times I have had that phrase muttered to me. Here is where things get interesting though. Since men have an idea of what they consider to be “hot” they also apply that own idea to themselves. So, ...
All though this is true if we are having fun like David said we should then women will be approaching us as he very clearly said this too which blows a big hole in the theory than men should be approaching women in all circumstances. So if I'm having fun with my friend at a bar ...