The ubiquitous $85 glove you see nowadays is pretty much only a modernized aesthetic-improvement of the $50-glove you saw ten years ago. And any glove around $65 and under that you see today is the bottom-level $30-40 glove that you saw you ten years ago. It’s designed to be as ...
At the conclusion of his amateur career, Ali won six Golden Glove titles, two national titles and maintained an impressive record of 1576 Words 7 Pages Better Essays Read More MMA vs Boxing Throughout world history people have enjoyed watching two men compete in hand to hand combat. ...
Simple Boxing Combinations That Work!June 24, 2014In "Boxing Combinations" The Art of the Power Right HandDecember 7, 2021In "Boxing Coaching" PhilJanuary 19, 2023, 9:54 pm Hi Fran, After using your fantastic demos for study and practice for the best part of 2 years, I’ve finally got...
At the most skillful levels of feinting, only the smallest movements are required. Instead of faking an entire punch you can twitch your glove as if it’s going to punch. Instead of moving forward, you can quickly tilt your head down as if you’re going forward. It’s not only the p...
I first saw it outside the hall in front of an autographed Ray Leonard glove. I asked the lady behind the table how much the book was. She told me I had to buy the glove for $100 and I’d get the book for free. Then I saw the book inside at the Memorabilia show by itself ...